Copycat Kitten Preciously Mimics Owner's Hand Movements

7 years ago

Animals are just the right companion to have whether it is that you live alone, or need some company or even the fact that you don't like being bored. Domestic animals, whether it is a cat or a dog, or whatever you have your mind on getting, they are sure to brighten up your day.

It is usually when we come home from a hard day's of work that we need to snuggle up in or bed and hopefully have a companion that is there waiting for us and willing to offer some fun times and some cuddles. In this case we have a little kitten that has the pleasure of being with her owner and just relax. While its owner is showing her to the bed, she is quite the charmer as she probably misunderstands him and just does what he does.

As her owner is obviously looking for some attention, he starts tapping his hand on the mattress in the hope that his kitten will jump up and join him. But no, his hopes for the cat joining him fall right in the water as he quickly finds out that this kitten is just out to get him as it simply mimics his movements.

Your heart will melt when you see what this kitten does after its owners calls it to the bed. Moments later, we see this tiny, fuzzy kitten mimicking its human’s gestures! Cuteness overload!

Video features an 8-week-old Persian kitten being a total copycat when playing with owner. When owner calls kitty over, the tiny feline taps its paws when it sees owner do the same with his. Instead of hopping on the bed this kitty just mimics his taps on the floor!

Watch as owner pats his hand to “come closer”, but when kitten sees him doing it, it has the cutest response back to him! The precious kitten has the cutest response ever, as if he is saying “No, you come over here”.

Have you ever seen kittens mimicking their owner’s hand movements?

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