Is the (artificially tethered) Moon, preventing our Earth from Breathing?

1 year ago

I speak to “Amma”- the Earth to discover more truth about the MOON.
If the moon is artificial ( which I believe it is), what can we do with it positively, rather than being influenced by it. Can we adapt and change its impact for a better future? Some the questions I put to “Amma”- Earth in this current investigation.
There are four sections in this recording where the audio was compromised. Each time when I was allowing NEW information to come through…. I detail this below if you wish to skip over- some you will want to see what was said, and possibly extract some of the audio, so I have decided to retain these sections within the overall video.
4minutes to 5.50
22.11- and others but all annotated below….

I explain the background of this type of research: utilising internal capacities to resonate with other pre-existing knowledge and information
1.30 I give a background of the moon in all its ‘impossibilities’.
4.00 interestingly the sound has MAJOR interference during this section where I speak how people have heavily invested in lunar influence upon their lives. I state how I perceive that as an option, but most people would consider their waters today locked to the moon.
5.50 I explain how I will go and speak with the Earth: “Amma” to obtain information regarding the moon.
7.40 I explain how I will enter my soul room in order to conduct this conversation, mentioning the many and various ways I can obtain information there.
8.30 I clear my consciousness to enable the communication
9.11 I count myself down into my soul room
10.15 We set off to fly over the top of the moon
11.45 I see a moon divided into two sphere-halves. One we see, and the one we never see. What we see is the hologram overlay with craters, and what we don’t see, is the old dusty spaceship/deathstar.
12.20 I see a dividing point- some kind of a structure which delineates the two halves. The other side looks quite shiny-shiny metal.
12.45 I decide to fly over a little lower to ascertain who or what is there in more detail.
13.10 I am not obtaining more detail but I get a sense of business. then I see a “bug-eyed” character, a maitraya grey: tall, thin, strange bulky shoulders, ‘grieve’-coloured slightly lined skin or skin-suit, big bulby eyes ( which I think is his suit.) And I suddenly see him really big, as though I zoomed in for a close-up.
I get “busy, busy, busy’, a huge cafeteria- think Star Wars, but less colourful. A meeting hub for many peoples. A very very busy place.
14.20 I go to look beneath the hologram on our side. I actually see water….which I find strange which, if it is not a planet, but a machine, how would you store water on a machine- perhaps it is a reservoir.
I decide to pull out and go somewhere nice to sit down and speak to “Amma”, as I am pretty tuned-in to her.
16.18 Again, the sound strangely breaks up, as I describing the spot in which I now find myself to talk to the earth- in the arctic circle on part of the freshwater ice berg system of the ice flow….as I describe the set up of the planet, and inner earth…the disruption continues. You might want to view my video on the shape and form of the Earth…..and fast forward this section!!!
17.33 I step off the ice and seem to be one Greenland where the grass is short and cropped. I sit there to have a chat with the Earth.
17.55 In answer to my request if she would like to share information about this moon above her, she responds: “Yes! Heavy - strange thing, kind of gives me a headache most of the time. It’s a bit fo a ‘ball game’- I am not sure how I feel about it. “ She then tells me in my mind that she is interested in the question that I raise.
I ask her if she would talk about my idea that perhaps there tis something which can be done and we can use the moon to our human advantage and evolution.
18.59 “Well! Yes, you have to talk to many different beings because it is tethered into me and to other entities. To hold it in that position, there is quite a lot of mechanics involved, to keep that orbit in relationship. It is not just using MY field- my natural fields and ‘inserting’ - although there is, there is a pressure into my field. And I feel this dispersion of my pressure like a ball hitting at my energy field. It is not always comfortable, it is quite compressive and I feel the need to breathe. And I would like to push it away. There is a need for adjustment and some sense of peace because I am not comfortable with this pressure upon me, my atmosphere, my expansion.”
19.52 I ask her can we resolve this? Is it necessary to keep the moon?
20.00 “Yes, it is necessary currently, because if you don’t keep the moon, we’ve got that kind of “whoop!” release of ‘stuff’.” she explains compression and expansion through the analogy of pushing a balloon. “Think about pressure, what you know about it: you can’t remove something without consequences. So if you want to remove something, you have to do something first. Therefore, we have to do this carefully, even if I don’t like it. “
20.37 I very much get the suns that she has got ‘helpers’ in mind. I ask her, if she has friend sea helpers actively helping her create a new dynamic with the moon?
20.55 “Yes! So the fact that it is metal is interesting, as I do have the capacity to move it through the electrical discharge of my magnetic current. Imagine if that current ceased for a moment, the moon could almost ‘pop off’. I have to be careful in the maintenance of this situation- this ’tethering’. However, when the ‘,matrix’ as you call this overlaying structure, - which I also do not like- my, hmmmmm, ‘net’ covering me is absolved of me, dissolved, removed and pushed-out, to allow me to breathe and expand, -for you know I am an expansive planet, that is true….”
21.50 and I affirm this in various investigations…
22.11 “ as a transducer of information, a transmitter of information, it is a blank to get involved with, territorial issues, and possible conflict with other spacefaring nations. However, that is in one dimensional plane, and I exist like all of you do in others. So for the project and the purpose of intelligence, and the upliftment of humanity, some of this no longer applies. (much of this was almost impossible to hear.). it is almost as though there is a state in the evolutionary process of myself, where the moon does not exist, it is an incapable of having resonance capacity as it is made of inorganic stuff. Although spirit form stuff, molecules, protons, atoms all the Stuff you know, the building blocks of physical reality, but of course I am far beyond that, as are you With your little cells, however, they are part of this infinite, this pulse this creative being, the source energy.

And of course, nothing can be beyond that. So This Andromeda created spaceship, leftover, sitting there used for certain effect is also formed of this stuff. also originated via extraction, extrication, from source, from matter combined. It is however, not a living breathing entity. it is a little bit of a heavier, different thing. and therefore, this separates, the separation into the harmonic octaves of what you call dimension means that it is possible that there is a place within me where the moon does not exist.– On my higher, greater as you would say, levels of existence. however, let us go to the place currently for now where your three dimensions, your food dimensions with time, and the multi startings and awareness of dimensions: there is this thing, and there are occupants and activities engaged, mostly in this travel phenomena around this universe between things, between entities, between spaces, between systems. Yes, the systems that we know – you’ve seen telescopes with NASA. that are also not as you know, it is different, however, letters just use it for some kind of model scale explanatory system.”

25.11 I ask earth what can we do with this moon then? If it is necessary, currently for stability to be maintained, how can we ease it for you? Also, if there are negative impacts on us, how can we shift and change that? That’s two questions

“Indeed, it is. For me, yes, I would be very happy to move it. And I will be, just piece by piece. A little bit more, as though I am breathing more deeply. Every day. That’s all it is – gently, easing it a little further a-w-a-a-ay. ( She yawns) because I want to breathe.
‘Negative impact’ you are asking of– well, it is still controlled by a lot of entities you don’t enjoy. There is some ‘weird stuff’ as you would say, happening. I don’t see it as a place of love. No. So if you humans wish to shift it, if you humans wish to keep it in someway, you must give it something of your own mind and Consciousness. I would suggest you consider it as a piece of furniture: if you bought something which is a little old and decrepit, and you bring it home as I know ( I look in the camera and say, ‘I do that’) you would take something, wouldn’t you – you would see it structure, it’s potential, you would perhaps pull it apart back to its bones, you would gather around you new materials of high-quality to last. You would work that in in your various ways: padding, creating, forming, shaping, surfacing, and you would have a new product from an old one. adding all this energy and material, and you would have a new use and the longevity of this piece would be ensured.
In the same way your moon – imagine that if the Damage is there, it is old and hollow And worn out in many places And a lot of that which is currently is, it does not use those spaces. or those possibilities.. They are just using surface and structures they build, but the internal system and structure of the spaceship – oh, oh, oh, oh! Imagine taking that, rejuvenating it, imagine using it as a base, as an exploratory base to receive and interact with many of your intergalactic being friends – for you have many friends. It would be a perfect neutral territory. Wouldn’t it?
And let us say that the spirit of your planet is divided into those who understand the possibility of intergalactic travel, and those who cannot it would be a perfect interim space– however, it needs massive reconstruction. where do you find all the materials? Well, through friendship, through exchange from Many friendly, friendly environs Bringing in information and materials and labour, ideas and possibility to regenerate, refurnished refurbish the interior. Hmmm.”
28.30 I find that interesting and explain about one 07, talking about Guantánamo Bay, and its refurbishment as a representatives structure of humanity and how the moon may be similarly treated. And in the same way, I see this ancient old Hulk, metallic of this moon with its many different problems and breaks, and ancient explosions, and leaky places full of gunk, and even parasitic beings, species, living in little corners that it gets cleaned and cleared and becomes a place, - a metropolis as it were for interaction between our planet and the Galactics, so that it is our interface. They don’t need to come to us., We are not quite ready. We are going to be very protective of our beautiful Eden. We are going to be very very very protective of who we let in. So having a neutral space which was designed as a contained system, sounds pretty good. It’s not like a prison, it’s more like a zoo. Invite many many different beings, entities, species from Many planetary planes, galactic planes be there and interact with us However, only certain influence peoples’ visits are actually allowed who from the moon to us.
30.32 I speak to Earth again: “ Amma, Amma, if you are feeling this suppression this oppression from the moon: it’s weight, and it’s tethering into you, and if we find this way, as you said through your helpers and so on to gradually move it, shifted a little further from you- shift this perfect ecliptic or bit further away from you so that you feel free to breathe, and expand, is it still possible to hold it stable orbit, where you yourself are not endangered, where it is still tethered to an extent? is there a place that you can sustain with grace and ease and natural ability?
31.16 “ yes, it is a bit like balancing a great big beach ball on a pregnant belly.
I will carry it, it is useful, it is useful for now– you have to establish relationships within this “yuga“. – Understand the protection necessary, the preservation, and the beauty of me.: I need a certain awareness field before everyone can come. It is for you to make this intermediary station, so I will allow it to continue. I understand the impact, I would love to just get up and stretch, but I do love you little beings, and I will not entirely get up and stretch. We will do this gently: Move it out and hold it with a new tether beam, a new stasis of rotatory access around me. It will be further from you., It will look smaller of course in your skies, however, there will be many easy ways to access it, plenty of vehicles which are mostly cloaked in your skies, which can get to the moon within 20 minutes with no problems whatsoever.
32.36 The sound again is highly disrupted, so I am paraphrasing here:
I pose the question in terms of the current influence of the moon : tides, waters within the body, and some menstrual cycles- as the moon is moved further away, there will be less influence , but then you will have your own regulations from your own spirit being far more active .
33.00 “In terms of the curvature of water and it’s rising , we need to remember that water can curve, I give the example of a tap and holding a magnetised object near the water which pulls it off the vertical flow line through the ionic exchanges. There are different types of magnetic/ ionic pull and attraction.

The moon because of its lock, pulls at me all the time. And the other thing it does which is really annoying, is it pulls up the water from in me. It pulls it up it pulls it out because it ( the moon ) is so close. But it pulls and it pushes, it pulls, and it pushes. And I never get the chance to fully expand, and I want to just ha breathe out more.
34.22 the density of the water will shift when the moon shifts. You know this from the crystals: the Mazuro Emoto crystals: you can see, there are crystals, with no space and crystals with more structure. This muddle structure of water, or this beauty., refinement and expansion. We are enabling this, the water will change and there will be more lifting up of the water into the skies now that sounds strange.”

( I just saw a very strange image, like bubbles of water going upwards from the surface of the water like flying fish, lifting up, which is a little disturbing. I ask the Earth to explain the image that I saw.)

35.28 ( again the sound is destroyed…) “ oh yes, now…( and I have to move in order to explain the image, I suddenly saw: the global warming maps, are about sea level rising . Where the cabal love to govern our thoughts on the planet, very often, there is a little piece of truth, hidden in the illusion. The global warming thing if you look at the statistics doesn’t exist: the scientist who disagreed were demobilised and demoted.

However, that myth has a piece of truth in it, and that is that the expansion of the water. If the water expands faster than the Earth, you get higher sea levels around the coast, so there is this possibility of the water coming over some of the land.
Think of a human, finally being able to breathe Properly with your full rib cage, from your diaphragm, if you have only been surface breathing. And that is what I feel with the Earth: as she is allowing herself to breathe, there is a delay. The water will move first, it is somewhat lighter than the land., So there will be shifts of water onto the coastal areas. The coastal areas will still be a somewhat dubious area to be in.

The flow of water is not constant; there are many different shifts, because she is a living breathing being, there is not just a geometric pattern, there is a very organic pattern of expansion, just like a body. I am not a square, I am an organic shape, with organs, which move when I breathe in different places. So there may be some disasters in some places, but as she is very kind towards us. So the kindness and the sensitivity towards humanity., She will find ways of dancing through this expansive process , as the water shifts. The idea is to bring the Earth up,- the expanding territory of earth. and we are traditionally taught that it comes through the rifts, the mid Atlantic rift when new earth is apparently bubbling up from the magma below, or via subduction zones where you have one plate, apparently descending below another within the crust, creating greater territory and expansion of the Earth.

38.29 so it is the question of what goes first, the water or the Earth? And I believe that she will help do that in a gentle way I ask him if my deductions are correct.

“ about right, you’re getting really tired talking to me, because I’m just quite busy now, I am busy, busy energy, and I can feel you are a little bit tired now.”
I thank her and ask if I can come back later.
I ask if there is anything more about this moon influence tidal influence and hormonal influence within our bodies?

“Yes! As you said, separation of consciousness – you shift Your reliance upon something by a decision of willpower. If you wish to be an innocent victim, being moved and switched around by that great, silly body, then, yes, go ahead. However, you can easily detach yourself; understand it is a man-made entity– I say man in a loose sense of the word. However, it is an entity which is not living and breathing and you need not be affected. Just as you can choose not to be affected by certain frequencies and radiation, as your spirit is infinitely more flexible and organically aligned than that. anything mechanical is of far lowest status within your world. You have a mind, imagination, creative powers, and therefore your energy will shift and move. The dynamics of your DNA is far more complex than you have ever thus conceived. Allow that to be. Take back your sovereignty, your individuality. If you wish to go with the title movements and shifts, you may, for ‘fun’, as they say. And do not let yourself be controlled. Play and experiment. “

I ask you to discuss below your own thoughts and share this, so we can really get information flowing and debate going, and I will offer some more in this direction at some point.
Please do

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