How To Use A Rose Index

1 year ago

This video features the Rose-Index made by Timm Rosenthal of Rosenthal Products.

He has asked Randy to use them and give an honest critic of the Rose-Index. Randy could tell by watching a video Timm has on his site that they would be very handy. After talking with Timm Randy agreed to feature the Rose-Index in a video review.

Timm was kind enough to send us the product and we want as many of our viewers as possible to see the Rose-Index.

Because of your loyalty and support, we wanted to give you first viewing “rights”.

Please, if you are a machinist, reach out to Timm and order the Rose-Index. You won’t regret it.

“The Rose-Index is a patented product, and the “Rose-Index” name is trademarked.”
Here is his website: See Timm Rosenthal’s comments below in the description box.

Randy really enjoyed using this for machining the brake in the large barrel, as shown in the video. He knows he will get much use out of both sizes of the Rose-Index. Very well thought out, very well machined, produced and marketed.
Thanks for watching.
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Randy- Thank you for the video I appreciate your efforts. I am glad you like my Rose-Index . I made a video on my “Rosenthal Products” YouTube channel showing all the forms of indexers I have. Over the years I have ended up with a significant investment in indexers trying to increase my shop’s capabilities and to be more efficient working with round parts. Even though I have a large variety of indexers they brought disappointment when I needed to do something quickly. Having all these forms of indexers, and being disappointed in them I knew I needed to re-invent the wheel a bit. The intent for this video is to show that I didn’t just create something to sell…….I created something in my shop that would make my day easier, and to hopefully save others similar disappointments. The Rose-Index is really much more than an indexer. I am working on videos to show various uses. Simply put the Rose-Index is a convenient tool that hardly takes up space in your tool box yet will really increase your machines capabilities. (My investment in indexers is collecting dust and taking up quite a bit of storage space.) In Randy’s video he needed a 30 degree index. There are a couple easy ways I do this. Process #1 (Using the Degree Wheel and machinist square) Step 1 - Place the Rose index on the shaft with the shaft protruding out just a thou or two. (This will keep you from scratching the face of the Rose-Index in step 4)
Step 2 - Line up the Rose-Index with the Vee pointing towards the operator. Push the machinist square into the outside of the square next to the Vee, and continue to push as the Rose-Index makes contact and centers itself up.
Step 3 - Tighten the set screw. (At this time the degree wheel will either have the 0 degree mark up and the 180 degree down, or vice versa.)
Step 4 - Rotate the part until your straight edge of the machinist square shows the 30 degree line and 210 degree line are inline. Process #2 (Using a Machinist Square and Adjustable parallel) Step 1 - Set the Rose-Index up with your machinist square using the “Hex” and tighten the set screw. (Just like Randy did in his video). You could also reference the machinist’s square to the square that is parallel to the hex. (Please note that all the shapes are machined during the same operation which creates great accuracy in each shape’s relationship to the others.)
Step 2 - Loosen your vise so that you can rotate your part
Step 3 - Rotate your part and reference on the hex of the Rose-Index with an adjustable parallel from the machines table.
Step 4 -Tighten the vise.
This works because you are changing your Rose-Index’s 60 degree reference by 90 degrees, which gives you a 30 degree change. Thank You and Best Regards, Timm Rosenthal

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