Zelensky Honor's Hitler "Squad Of Death" The Ukraine Disaster Video You Should have Watched First!

1 year ago

Tucker was right! we need to liberate Canada because Trudeau and Zelensky are running on the same Biden Democrat Socialist Union Party of the Rino's and Liberals from the 1940's that want a "New World Order" as seen in our previous Videos on The Garbage Report the Democrat Socialist that want the people to work in camps for the gov. (Big Government, Small Freedom) instead of (Small Government, Big Freedom) that the real Conservatives and Republicans want, the Democrat Socialist Party of today is using the same playbook as the Democrat Socialist Party of Hitler and Stalin from the 1940's is back for another Attempt at world takeover instead of calling it world war 3 it can be camouflaged by calling it the "Great Reset" The American people are not buying it!

Justin Trudeau and Zelensky give standing ovation in Canadian Parliament to Hunk who is a Nazi that fought along side with Hitler in the 14th division of the Waffen SS against the Russians in Ukraine in WW2 and it looks like more De-Nazification needs to be done, The entire Canadian Parliament has penetrated with WEF Garbage!
Hunk assisted in the systematic extermination of Ukraine's Jewish population and installation of a Nazi dictator in the region. Hunk also engaged in the wholesale slaughter of Ukrainian people and entire villages disloyal to Hitler. Zelensky lead Canadian parliament in a roaring, standing round of applause for a this 98 year-old Nazi. They honored the Nazi as a “hero” after the Garbage Man says the trash needs to be taken out.

Link To Quoted Video---> https://rumble.com/v3vtavp--extra-extra-read-all-about-it-joe-biden-states-his-goals-a-new-world-order.html?mref=2tien2&mc=dlauk

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