The Cost of Choices

1 year ago

August 4th, 2021

We often resist doing things in life, we focus on the cost of doing things, the cost of money, time, energy etc.

We put off sometimes that which is best for our health and well-being being.

What we don’t do is consider the cost of not doing those things.

Everything we do, every choice we make, is a reflection of the condition of our health and our heart, spirit, and soul in that moment. So to heal those things in ourselves makes huge differences in our lives.

When we make those changes and those choices for the betterment of our health and well-being, we wonder why we didn’t do it much sooner. That often a winds up being our regret.

You will never regret doing the thing that makes you strong and empowered.

~ ~ ~ ~

We are Amie Jones and Eileen Crispell. We both teach and coach people
who are healing themselves and practitioners who are helping people
heal from chronic health and spiritual issues.

We each independently found Anthony William, Medical Medium in our
search for our own healing. We experienced deep healing and our lives
transformed. It is through this information that we found each other.
It is why we are now passionate about supporting individual and
practitioners through our courses and healing programs.

We can be contacted at

Websites and

Instagram @amiejoneshealing @eileencrispell @rewildrenew

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