Rev 20. Phelo love, subjective truth, and pseudo-science ways of men do not work!

9 months ago

There are two ways of doing things. God's way or men's way. Satan is ruling over the kingdoms of men by pretending to be God and convincing us that the ways of men are just as good, if not better than the ways of God.
The last days or end times of the kingdoms of men is a transitional war between the ways of men and the ways of God.
The ways of men include
Who's side will you take, men's or God's?

There is only one faith system from God, one Lord, one faith, and one Bible that He will rule over the Kingdom of Heaven for 1,000 years divided into two ages Eph. 2:7. Every knee will bow to Him and not men at the second coming of the ways of God. Only He will be sanctified and glorified Lev. 10:1-3 at His second coming. Only He, along with the heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit can bring salvation down from heaven 2 Thess. 2:10. At the second coming of the ways of God, only Christ will be the mediator between God and man 1 Tim. 2:5. For the past 1680 years, the Lord has hidden His face, power, glory, majesty, and Bible so that Satan, the second horseman of the apocalypse, the man of sin, while pretending to be God 2 Thess. 2:3-11 could rule over the kingdoms of men with his mega sword of every wind of the doctrine of men - the wisdom from below Rev. 6:4; 1 Cor. 2:6-16; James 5:7-11. Only because the Lord stepped back could men be ignorant enough to fight against Him with the doctrine of men Rom. 5:13; Acts 17:30.
The subjective truth bibles, religions, preaching, and doctrine of men were necessary so men could fight against God, otherwise, Christ could never have been murdered by men. Antichrist doctrines of men are necessary for free moral agency so that for the next 43 years of the last days or end times for the kingdoms of men, we can fight the good fight of faith as the Bible, the wisdom from above, the Bible that gives to us every spiritual blessing in Christ isis being restored 1 Cor. 13:9-12; Rev. 5:1ff; 1 Cor. 2:6-16; Dan. 12:4; Joel 2; Acts 2:17-21; Rev. 5:1ff. Rev. 1:3; 22:20. As promised by Christ, we will know the supernatural objective truth - the Word of God, and it will set us free from every wind of the doctrine of men John 8:32.

I am Randall Maxwell the watchman for the second coming of the ways of the Lord. I have been granted some wisdom from above James 1:5, I can see men as trees Mark 8:24; Dan. 12:4 so that I can edit some of the wiles of Satan out of the bibles of men. My work exposes to the world how ignorant and foolish I am 1 Cor. 2:14. Like all men, it is my job to illustrate by my ignorance, how badly we need the King of Kings ruling over us with the Royal Law of agape love and that it is not in man to guide our steps Jer. 10:23. I am not ashamed to admit that I am poor in Spirit and that Christ has all authority. He is the only qualified mediator between God and man 1 Tim. 2:5
As the watchman is my job to grant you access to the first part of the second coming of the ways of God, The Sword of the Spirit, the Bible in part 1 Cor. 13:9-12 so that you can read, understand, and be blessed by reading the warnings from the Lord Himself Rev. 1:3!
I am looking for believers locally who believe that Christ has all authority, and who are like Saul at the first coming of the ways of God recognizing that we have been kicking against the pricks and that we need to start obeying the Lord and start learning how to love and protect each other with agape love, If you want to fight the good fight of faith Call me. Let's find a place where we can gather together and start prepping for the second coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord.
I will be glad to meet with those in surrounding towns, to my area, to talk about prepping. Those further away we can talk on Skype about how you can start loving one another in your community.
We will not fight against flesh and blood but against every wind of the doctrine of men.


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