Eyewitness to Murder at Bohemian Grove – Satanic Hell Fire Club – Anthony J Hilder

1 year ago

Peter Alexander Chernoff says he personally witnessed this and was involved with this in 1984.

Participants in this particular ritual murder called the "Cremation of Care" of Keven Andrew Collins - age 10, DOB: 1/24/1974: George Bush Sr - otherwise known as George Scherff, Warren Buffet, Barney Frank, Pope Ratzinger, Robert Byrd, Roger Mahony - L.A. Cardinal, Willie Brown, Arlin Specter and the Master of Ceremonies was Lt. Colonel Dr. Michael Aquino.

Read the "Franklin Coverup" by Senator Ron DeCamp of Nebraska about this abuse of power by Catholic Clergy, Bishops and Arch-Diocese --

Bohemian Grove is said to be the place where "Genocide Planning" takes place.

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