Vaccine Injured Rancher, Doug Cameron Speaks at Adams County, Idaho

9 months ago

Source: Description: I have posted previously on the effort at the county level in the state of Idaho to ban the covid poisonous adulterated injections falsely marketed as “vaccines” here and here. We have been successful in Washington county which issued a resolution to halt and recall these poisons.

On December 11 we had testimonies by Drs. McCullough, Cole, Lindsay, Wiseman, Moon and Wallskog which were substantially similar to previous testimonies and I don’t want to have you watch 2+ hr video (but will be making segments available as I get through my backlog).

However, I do want to share this segment, the testimony by an injured rancher, Doug Cameron of Idaho. Mr. Cameron was coerced by his employer (a large dairy that received incentives from the federal government, and was given vaccination targets). Doug was previously very healthy and working tough physical job required of a ranch manager. After 1 injection of Janssen he was hospitalized for over 100 days, his medical bills are totaling $2M+, with direct out of pocket expenses of $170,000+ (!)

He has been fired from his job. The doctors admit it is vaccine injury but will not document it for fear of losing their license. The evil of this is hard to comprehend, even for me - and I am very familiar with numerous stories like this.

Please think about helping the injured during this holiday season. For the rest of December I am donating 100% of my art sales to vaccine injured. Thank you.

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