It's so delicious that I cook it almost every day! Incredibly quick and easy!

1 year ago

It's so delicious that I cook it almost every day! Incredibly quick and easy! A quick and easy chicken fillet recipe. Epic 10 Minute Chicken Breast Recipe with Just a Few Ingredients! This is a great quick dinner idea for busy nights made with staple foods from the pantry. You will like juicy chicken in an unusually tasty sauce. It's amazing how so few ingredients can turn into such a delicious sauce for chicken! This can be made with any protein - beef, pork, lamb, and even tofu! Write in the comments if you liked the recipe. I am very interested to know. With love. Have a nice day.

3 chicken breasts
salt and pepper
60 g flour (1/4 cup)
3 1/2 tbsp butter or 2 1/2 tbsp olive oil or something else
4-5 cloves of garlic
1 1/2 tbsp apple cider vinegar
1 tbsp soy sauce
1/3 cup (90 g) honey (or maple syrup)
Spring onions (optional)

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