Unlicensed teenager crashes stolen vehicle in Los Angeles during multi-car collision

1 year ago

Los Angeles; On November 11, 2023, around 8:40 p.m., Southwest Division patrol officers were driving westbound Martin Luther King Boulevard when they observed a vehicle (2017 Hyundai Tucson) speeding at a high rate of speed. Officers conducted a U-turn to investigate whether the vehicle was stolen and to conduct a traffic stop.

At the intersection of MLK and Western Avenue, the officers were behind the vehicle and stopped at red light. At which time, the vehicle suddenly accelerated and ran the red light. The officers briefly turned on their emergency equipment but deactivated the emergency equipment and did not pursue the vehicle.

The vehicle continued to travel at a high rate of speed and failed to stop for red lights at Budlong Avenue and then Vermont Avenue. After running the red light at Vermont Avenue, the vehicle crashed into several other vehicles and caused a chain reaction of other crashed.

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