Polish Girl FIRST TIME HEARING Scorpions - Wind Of Change Reaction and Review

1 year ago

@AdriannaReacts on YouTube ❤️

What we promised:

“On 9/9/90 James Baker told Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev that NATO would not expand beyond reunified Germany “one inch in the eastern direction”

“..Frank Elbe, has written that when he met with Baker on 2 February 1990, the two agreed that there was to be no NATO expansion to the East and this would be communicated to the Soviets to facilitate their acceptance..”

“A document from the British National Archives that was resurfaced in a report by the German newspaper Der Spiegel reveals that the Soviet Union was promised NATO wouldn’t expand eastward during negotiations at the end of the Cold War.”

What we did:

“…the real story starts in 2014, when the U.S. government and the neocons in the White House and elsewhere participated and supported the violent overthrow, a coup-d-etat, against the democratically elected government of the Ukraine…”

“Then, in 2016, while Obama was still in the White House, the US deployed a land-based air defense system—the “Aegis Ashore”—in Deveselu, Romania. In early 2022, America set up the same system in Redzikowo, Poland. The system can launch Tomahawk nuclear missiles that need only 10 minutes to fly to Moscow…”

“America’s proxy war with Russia has transformed Ukraine into a graveyard. Indulging Poland’s passion for war with Russia encourages Poland to follow the Ukrainian example.

“On April 4, 2023, Finland officially became the 31st member of the NATO military alliance. The 830-mile border between Finland and Russia is now by far the longest border between any NATO country and Russia..”

“In the context of the not-so-cold war between the United States, NATO and Russia, any of these borders is a potentially dangerous flashpoint that could trigger a new crisis, or even a world war..”

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