Dana White Wants EVERYONE With a Bud Light!

1 year ago

Dana White is all in on the UFC partnership with Bud Light. He went into hard sell mode for the Anheuser Busch product in a recent interview with Tucker Carlson, claiming it's the most patriotic and value aligned company he had ever worked with. Forget the boycott and install a Bud Light fountain, the UFC boss says. Dylan Mulvaney who?

Stonks: https://www.google.com/finance/quote/BUD:NYSE?window=YTD
Interview Clip: https://twitter.com/CitizenFreePres/status/1734339741439672537

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#DanaWhite #BudLight #BudLightBoycott #TuckerCarlson #DylanMulvaney #AnheuserBusch #UFC #Interview

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