How BIG A Defect Do You Need In a Sidewalk Fall Down Case? [BJP #135] [Call 312-500-4500]

10 months ago

Chicago Fall Down lawyer

How big a sidewalk defect do you need to win a fall-down injury case?

There is a legal rule called "de minimus" which requires a defect in Illinois to be more than an inch and a half or two inches tall. If it defect is smaller than that, you run the risk of the Judge throwing your case out of Court.

The reason is that landlords cannot be held to keep their property in 100% perfect condition at all times.

But, there are definitely circumstances where even smaller defects can give rise to a good lawsuit and claim for personal injuries.

Lawyers will investigate a case and see if they can come up with a theory of liability that may not be obvious at first So always talk to a lawyer and get a free consultation if you have been injured.

I hope this information helps, but if you still have questions, I offer a FREE DVD and book that explains your rights. You can get it by calling 888-HURT-318 (888-487-8318) and asking for "the free DVD" and we will mail it out to you.

Or, you can go to to fill out a form and we will send it to you. Same deal, free and no obligation.

Or you can visit my website for more information here:

Thanks for watching and good luck!

Scott D. DeSalvo
The Law Office of Scott D. DeSalvo
Chicago Injury Lawyer
CTA Injury Lawyer

Call for a free consultation -- any time, night or day --- FOR FREE -- by calling me at 312-500-4500.

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