Can I Sue For Nursing Home Abuse With No Injury? [BJP #134] [Call 312-500-4500]

1 year ago

Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

Can you sue for nursing home abuse but WITHOUT a serious physical injury or death?

There's no doubt that nursing home abuse is a nightmare for the resident and their family. it is something that should never happen.

But Nursing Home cases are very expensive. It is not uncommon for a lawyer to have 100 hours of work and over $30,000 in advanced case costs before even filing a lawsuit when trying to prove a nursing home case.

So with the stakes and costs so high, most lawyers are looking for a death, paralysis, or at least a broken bone. That's because, at trial, the Judge tells the Jury that they are not allowed to use sympathy in deciding the case.

So in most Nursing Home cases, you really need some kind of objective and serious physical injury to maintain a case. But as in all cases, but especially in nursing home abuse cases, TALK TO A LAWYER. A lawyer may see an angle or legal theory in your case that makes the case worth handling no matter what the injuries are.

I hope this information helps, but if you still have questions, I offer a FREE DVD and book that explains your rights. You can get it by calling 888-HURT-318 (888-487-8318) and asking for "the free DVD" and we will mail it out to you.

Or, you can go to to fill out a form and we will send it to you. Same deal, free and no obligation.

Or you can visit my website for more information here:

Thanks for watching and good luck!

Scott D. DeSalvo
The Law Office of Scott D. DeSalvo
Chicago Injury Lawyer
Chicago Nursing Home Lawyer

Call for a free consultation -- any time, night or day --- FOR FREE -- by calling me at 312-500-4500.

(Free call 24/7/365, 312-500-4500)

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