When Is It TOO LATE To Hire An Injury Lawyer? [BJP #132] [Call 312-500-4500]

11 months ago

CTA bus accident
Chicago Injury lawyer

In this episode of The BLind Justice Podcast, Scott and Amelia answer a client's question about how long is too long to wait to hire an injury lawyer.

In a CTA case, you generally have ONE YEAR from the date of your car accident to have your case settled or to file a law suit. If you miss this deadline, your case could be permanently over.

And any lawyer who you call right before that deadline is going to be suspicious. Has the case been turned down by lots of other lawyers? Do you have the police report? Did you seek appropriate medical care? What is the diagnosis? Did you give a recorded statement to the CTA?

It is always best to talk tot a lawyer right away, and some lawyers do not even want to talk to you if you are 30 or 60 days before the deadline, called a Statute of Limitations. But there are a lot of good lawyers who will help even on short notice.

I hope this information helps, but if you still have questions, I offer a FREE DVD and book which explains your rights. You can get it by calling 888-HURT-318 (888-487-8318) and asking for "the free dvd" and we will mail it out to you.

Or, you can go to www.desalvolaw.com/dvd to fill out a form and we will send it to you. Same deal, free and no obligation.

Or you can visit my website for more information here: https://desalvolaw.com/cta-bus-injury-what-should-you-do-if-you-got-hurt-on-the-cta/

Thanks for watching and good luck!

Scott D. DeSalvo
The Law Office of Scott D. DeSalvo
Chicago Injury Lawyer
CTA Injury Lawyer

Call for a free consultation -- any time, night or day --- FOR FREE -- by calling me at 312-500-4500.

(Free call 24/7/365, 312-500-4500)

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