9 months ago

LYRICS INSPIRED BY PSALM 145: "I'll exalt You, my God and King,
Every day, Your praises I'll sing.
Great are You, beyond our words,
Your wonders told, across the world.
Generations declare, Your mighty acts,
Stories of love, in every fact.
Your grace and mercy, ever near,
In Your presence, we've nothing to fear.
You open Your hand, satisfy every need,
In Your righteousness, we take heed.
Near to all, who call Your name,
In truth and love, forever the same.
You uphold the fallen, lift them high,
Hear their cry, never pass by.
All eyes on You, awaiting with grace,
You feed them all, in perfect pace.
My mouth will speak, Your praise to declare,
Blessing Your name, in every prayer.
For from age to age, come what may,
Your love stands firm, our eternal ray.
" Music created by Rolleen using Suno.

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