1 year ago

LYRICS INSPRIED BY PSALM 124: "Had it not been for the Lord on our side,
Where would we stand, where could we hide?
When foes rose against, fierce and wide,
It was He who held the tide.
Like waters that roar, they sought to consume,
To pull us under, to our doom.
But blessed be the Lord, our refuge, our room,
Who broke the snare, dispelled the gloom.
Our soul, like a bird, from the trapper's net freed,
Soars high above, by divine decree.
On Him, we rely, in Him, we believe,
Our protector, our savior, our reprieve.
If not for Him, where would we be?
Drowned in depths, lost at sea.
But with Him, we stand, forever free,
For our help is in the name of the Almighty.
" Music created by Rolleen using Suno.

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