Obama admits "the whole point" of "stimulus" is GOV'T SPENDING

1 year ago

From Feb 5, 2009.
5,771 views on YouTube when we moved it over to Rumble on Dec 12, 2023.

Check the related article at ProudToBeCanadian.ca -- https://proudtobecanadian.ca/obama_says_the_whole_point_-_the_whole_point_-_of_a_stimulus_plan_is_govt/

To get his trillion-dollar socialist SPENDING bill passed in the Senate, after arriving in Air Force One to a lavish retreat and spa in Virginia to meet up with the rest of his tribe, President Obama declares that "the whole point" of "stimulus" bills is government "spending". He repeated it for good measure. "That's the point!" It got a mere smattering of applause from the partisan Dems in the room.

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