🔴 🇮🇱 🕎 🇵🇱 FULL: Polish MP Grzegorz Braun extinguishes Jewish Hanukkah candles at Poland's parliament

1 year ago

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🔴 🇮🇱 🕎 🇵🇱 FULL: Polish MP Grzegorz Braun extinguishes Jewish Hanukkah candles at Poland's parliament
🇵🇱Mad:🕎 — Moment when Polish MP Grzegorz Braun, from the Monarchist wing of Confederation party, puts out the Sejm/parliament Hanukkah menorah with a fire extinguisher inside the Sejm building
🇵🇱⚡- The MP later said “The Sejm is no place for acts of racist, tribal, savage, Talmudic worship.”
🇵🇱 - "Yarmulkes, tallit, fringes, sidelocks and other such nonsense in the Polish Sejm... I didn't notice a single Advent wreath in the building. We are ruled by servants of all nations, except for the servants of the Polish Nation." - Marta Czech, Polish right-wing activist.

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