The Energy That Surrounds Us: Episode Fifty-two with Vicki Joy Anderson

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Join Michael Kopf as he talks with Vicki Joy Anderson. Vicki Joy Anderson graduated from University of Northwestern in St. Paul, MN majoring in Bible and English with a writing emphasis. After many years in corporate management, Vicki Joy stepped out in faith to become a full-time author and speaker in 2019. She is the author of They Only Come Out At Night: Exposing the Dark Weapon of Sleep Paralysis. “You wake up to a pitch-black bedroom. You cannot move. A nefarious, black shadow begins to walk slowly, ominously toward your bed. You try to scream, but nothing comes out. Has this ever happened to you? If it has, you are not alone.” She delves into what is the difference, if any, between sleep paralysis and a UFO abduction? She also looks into what entities are most commonly associated with sleep paralysis?; is sleep paralysis always a sexual encounter?; how does sleep paralysis relate (if at all) to the astral plane? and how does one get sleep paralysis attacks to stop?. “Most people describe the experience as terrifying and attribute it to some sort of paranormal or demonic experience. But what most sufferers of sleep paralysis really want to know is: What is it, really? Why are these entities targeting me? And how can I stop it?”.

Links to Vicki Joy Anderson

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