RUMBLE INTRO - LionHeart Skills

1 year ago

Tim (00:00)
Hey Rumble, this is Tim Miller with Lionheart Protection Strategies. And folks, I just want to introduce myself over on the Rumble side, the free side, because I really feel like this is an audience that I need to be interacting and learning from on this short journey called life. Hey, I'm a retired Marine Corps Reserve Officer, been deployed all over, done all kinds of things, a police officer.

And then a federal agent was with Secret Service and then ended up in training, retiring, um, about seven years ago. But wow, do I have a passion now to help prepare average Americans for the storm, not that's coming, but that's here. Folks, I know, uh, if you're viewing this, you're like-minded. You love our country. Um, you love our freedoms.

You love the ability to protect your family. You love the ability to speak freely. And quite frankly, that's one of the reasons that I'm here. I have learned somewhat the hard way that there is no such thing as free speech anymore in the United States with some of these platforms. So my hope and prayer is that I can learn from you, you can learn from me. What am I talking about? Well,

You know, obviously with a Secret Service with the Marine Corps of the Police Department there are things we've all learned On this journey called life and what we try to do At Lionheart protection strategies is to give you Just some guidance thoughts based on actual events on some things We all ought to be thinking about because folks I don't have to tell you this The storm not only has made landfall. It's a cat six plus

and it's destroying the very fiber of our country. And it's important that good people develop skills that are needed to protect themselves and others, especially their family, and also to sustain themselves in a longer term crisis situation, which I believe is upon us. Folks, I would love just...

to hear your thoughts and we'll be posting a lot of stuff. Already have posted a lot of stuff, but really the goal is simple. You know, for many of you, you can relate to this and the military law enforcement, we've always kind of based our life on serving others and now's the time I want to serve others. And I'm hoping and praying that what we can do together is to create a culture.

of security in our country where people are not only well intentioned, they're well equipped. And we're going to cover everything from firearms encounters to body language, mental illness, violence, just violence, like mob violence, what do you do, and protests, those kinds of things. And I'll be bringing folks in periodically. I'd love to hear from you if you'd like to be interviewed based on some of the things you've done.

But here's the bottom line, we all need each other. So folks, I hope and pray that you are staying safe, you're equipping, preparing yourself for the storm that's hit us. Everything about our nation is being attacked. Fundamentally, all of our values are being attacked. We're being told that the Constitution is garbage, the founding fathers were racist, on and on and on we go, none of which I


I believe there's a reason why people are streaming across our borders to get here. We're still the greatest nation on earth. Now, how much longer that remains is I think up to us. So let's jump together. Let's work together. Let's learn together. And most importantly, let's stay safe together. So I hope I hear from you. I hope that you'll jump in, like, share, subscribe. What let's get this thing going. Cause I know.

I've watched some of the other Patriots on Rumble and I'm impressed. And I'd be honored just, you know, to be counted amongst the group. So God bless you. Stay safe. I'm looking forward to meeting and interacting with you soon. Take care.

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