This Is The Best Way To Take Alpha Brain

1 year ago

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In this video I share my insights into what I view to be the best time of day to take Alpha brain. I have found that if I take it first thing in the morning after I wake up, the results are still there, but not as strong and pronounced as if I wait until around midday to take it. I have found, after years of taking this supplement, that if you allow your brain and body/mind to fully wake up for a few hours prior to taking it, you will be able to notice the effects in a much stronger way.

Alpha brain is a comprehensive blend of powerful nootropic constituents that when combined, create a potent end product that has the potential to change your life. I have tried all of the best nootropic formulas currently on the market, and not one of them lives up to the power of Onnit's Alpha brain.

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