She Destroyed My Life - MGTOW

1 year ago

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Chris Whalen CPA

Book Link: Lives Destroyed. Interviews with the MGTOW Kindle Edition

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Wagner. He wrote a book called Lives Destroyed, Interviews with The MGTOW. The price is right which is free for Kindle Unlimited. It's about a hundred pages and has about ten different interviews with guys that went their own way. I put a link to it in the description. It's 107 pages and if you want the paperback it's only 6.99. It starts off with him describing that he's Brazil which in my book became the capital of MGTOW back in 2018. He changed the names of the guys sharing their stories because many guys fear being oppressed or cancelled for their choice to not marry a cooch. They are from different parts of the world. Wagner while researching men that refuse to get married today said all he found were article that were prejudiced and hateful to such men. But he found that we are tired of being hurt, deceived, humiliated and belittled. He says we refuse to play a game that we can't win. Taht basically the only winning move is not to play that game. He also found that instead of hate towards the opposite sex there was more sadness, hurt, and fear. That we are just seeking out new purpose in life and a reason to live. I agree with his assessment as the number one question guys ask me after going their own way is what to do with their lives and what purpose to persue. At that point he starts sharing individual men's stories. The first one being a 67-year-old Lawyer named Quimbo that has spent fifteen years defending men from women and he has advice for men on how to protect themselves. He says to never attack a woman or raise your voice to her because such behavior can be used out of context to destroy your life. He says to reduce the risk a woman will throw a false accusation your way you need to know her true character. He says don't get enchanted, ie fall in love and stop being rational. Yeah that's easier said than done. He says to look for red flags in women like being single mothers, having tattoos, drug addictions, debt, etc. Those things prove a woman is impulsive and won't make a good long-term partner. He says a man needs to expect anything from a woman and not to expect loyalty. That betrayal is around every corner. Knowing that half of all marriages fail allows you to prepare accordingly. He also says don't share arguments on text or audio because the woman can use that against you. Even if it's a controversial topic. He says if the woman is a leftist or feminist to tell her you're depressed and need some time alone via text message and leave the relationship. He says beware of feminists because they are more likely to take revenge. So do the whole it's not you it's me routine. I'll discuss more from Wagner's book in a moment but first a word from today's sponsor Chris Whalen:

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