Protesters blockade BP HQ as Israel issues drilling licenses for Gaza.

1 year ago

Illegal drilling licences and sweeteners thrown in too, little wonder BP can't resist the carrot Israel is dangling...
Right, so it might not be news to many right now, that oil and gas – mostly gas - has been found off the Gazan coastline and speculation that this might be what the genocide is all about, or at least, this might be the actual interest that foreign states have in the area, even though we all know we need to move away from fossil fuels. Well adding – ahem – fuel to the fire on this speculation has been news that even before the blood of the Gazan people is dry, Israel have been issuing drilling licences to access these reserves, even though this is occupied territory, they have no right to be doing this, let alone any oil and gas corporations wanting to get involved in what is quite clearly disputed territory.
Well BP have gotten involved, one of 6 companies to accept a share of 12 illegally issued gas exploration licences and more, sweeping in on the wreckage of Israeli atrocity to make a profit and people frankly weren’t going to just accept that.
Right, so, the oil and gas industry champing at the bit to get into Gaza. It’s not completely new news here, we know that BP and the like have wanted to get into these gas reserves off the coast of Gaza and we know that Rishi Sunak is very supportive of this, Infosys have a substantial IT contract with BP, so the better BP does, the better Infosys does, the bigger the payouts to Sunak’s wife, for whom Infosys is the family firm. There never seems to be anything in Sunak’s actions that don’t result in more money being made for himself. But this isn’t about him directly, he’s got enough on his plate forgetting the answer to everything the Covid inquiry is currently asking him and a big vote tonight on his Rwanda deal which it looks like he might lose and possibly his job as PM with it, but that hasn’t happened yet, let’s get back to the here and now for now.
Israel have issued exploratory drilling licences, 12 of them, between 6 different drilling firms one of which is BP. Well why are you picking on BP specifically then Damo? Well, they might be getting a bit extra into the bargain, their greed, their co-operation with Israel goes a little bit further. You see not only are they getting drilling licences, they are also acquiring a 50% stake in NewMed, an Israeli drilling company, also being granted a licence, which is owned by the Dalek group. Nothing quite makes Israel sound more villainous than literally having a company named after a Doctor Who enemy does it? Actually the company came first, in the 1950’s so perhaps it’s the other way around? At any rate the Dalek Group is on a UN blacklist of companies complicit in illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank, so why on Earth would BP want to take half of a company owned by a blacklisted, colonial settler assisting conglomerate? Do they want to be tainted by that too? Well by acquiring half of NewMed, BP then gets access to the 45% stake NewMed has in Leviathan, which is the name of the largest natural gas field in the Mediterranean, situated off Israel’s coast.

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