033 Paul's Prayer Request (2 Thessalonians3:1-2) 2 of 2

10 months ago

CURRENT EVENTS: Israel at War 12/6/23 as the war slowly escalates, so does Jew-hatred (Antisemitism) with the affirmative action hire "presidents" of Harvard, MIT and Penn refuse to say, "Yes," to the question of whether calling for the genocide of Jew violates their code of conduct on each of their respective campuses. (2) RINO's work with Biden to shut down Senator Tuberville's block of the illegal expenditure of military funds to facility the murder of unborn children with abortions. (3) Reprobate Demarxicrat James Carville calls patriotic, Constitutional Americans "a greater threat than Al-Qaeda" and early wokeism pioneer Norman Lear has died at the age of 101 to face an eternity in Hell.

In our study, Paul is closing his second epistle to the Church in Thessalonica with a request for prayer. We will look closely at what he requests...

Also Reference: Jeremiah 7:23-26, Psalm 53:1-3, 1 Thessalonians 2:13, Romans 10:17, Luke 18:7-8


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