Trey Soto Talks His Conversion to Anglo-Catholicism and Running a Meme Page

1 year ago

Trey Soto is the Communications Coordinator for St. Matthew's Anglo-Catholic Church. I however, became familiar with him through his Instagram Meme Page, High Church Memes (, where would discuss Saints Days, Church Feast Days and on occasion, tease some interesting Christian traditions across various denominations...spoiler, I call John Nelson Darby and the theology of Dispensationalism pure heresy.

Soto discusses how his communications degree from Biola University helped him in his work life, seeking out the High Churches, his conversion to Anglo-Catholicism and explaining what an Anglo-Catholic is, while not being in communion with the papacy.

If you are in Orange County, CA and are interesting in visiting St. Matthew's Church, their official website is at and follow them on Instagram at

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