Iowa Governor Calls Satanic Display Inside Capitol Building 'Absolutely Objectionable'

1 year ago

No, Gov. Kim Reynolds is Not Responsible for Satanic Display at the Iowa State Capitol: I get it, you guys. It's a primary and during a primary people say and do a lot of stupid stuff. And for whatever reason, this primary is one of the worst. Granted, in 2015-16 we had people accusing Ted Cruz of being the Zodiac Killer (not to mention trashing his wife 24/7), but this just seems … I don't know. Petty? Beneath people? Also, before you start calling me a DeSimp or whatever the new insult is for DeSantis supporters, I would be equally irritated with someone on Team DeSantis doing this to a governor who endorsed Trump. Pretending a governor who endorsed another candidate somehow 'allowed' Satanists to install this altar so you can dunk on the other candidate with it? Blaming Reynolds for it? Dude. Bro. No.

Jack Poso @JackPosobiec: “This is what @KimReynoldsIA has allowed to be installed in the Iowa State Capitol. It is a Satanic altar and idol.” -- Yup. That's a Satanic altar and idol. But Governor Reynolds didn't 'allow' it - she likely has zero to do with it. This was something decided at a legislative level, if one faith can put up displays, all faiths can put up displays. While many of us are fairly disgusted with this display, at the end of the day the state does not and should not dictate faith. And trust me, if they had denied the Satanists their display they'd be hootin' and hollerin' about freedom to worship. Yes, Satanists hoot and holler. Totally. So if these confused, misinformed, and all-around total losers who worship Satan want to put up their silly little disco-ball like statue, so be it. If nothing else, it reminds me how good and true my own faith is. That I am in the light, and they are in the dark.

Not to mention, Reynolds herself called the display out. So clearly, Reynolds didn't 'allow it'. Jenna Ellis @JennaEllisEsq: “Why are you blaming Kim Reynolds for this when the Capitol Building is controlled by the State Legislature?” -- Sadly, I think people in a certain political camp are trying to tie DeSantis to Satanism or something. I don't know, the whole thing is rather silly but it's politics so … lucky us. In closing, another group will be putting up a Nativity in this same Capitol in the very near future. Good times.

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