Quotations by other people (not me)

1 year ago

Remember the Maine and to hell with Spain!
William Randolf Hearst, February 15, 1898

An average person like me does not know about stuff like chasing absentee ballots.
Ron DeSantis, YALE, Harvard, Naval Intelligence, Juge Advocate General Maritime Law

The more we know about each other the safer we are.
The habits and language of clandestiny can intoxicate its own practitioners.
The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media.
William Egan Colby, DCI, Phoenix, CORDS, Gladio

It is inconceivable that a secret arm of the government would have to comply with the overt orders of that government.
James Angleton, CIA deputy

The real problem is arranging an experience in a way that tells a story which is just credible enough to be interesting but credible enough to be believed.
Richard Helms, DCI

DCI William Colby (code name Berkshire) and his murder:

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