Anti-White Racism on Parade

1 year ago

This is a good look at the growing problem of anti-White racism that has been actively promoted by wealthy so-called "Jews" for decades in America at our nation's schools, in countless Hollywood films, and anywhere else they can inject or foster this kind of detestable racial hatred against Americans of Western European descent (now called "White" people). Why are the so-called "Jews" in America, almost all of which are Caucasians themselves (Khazars who are descendants of Japeth, not Sem) so keen on promoting hatred against other Caucasians? Read the Kalergi Plan, which has been quietly implemented both in Europe and America for over 100 years now.
Ashkenazi Jews, who comprise more than 90% of all Jews living in America (and hold over 450 key positions in the Biden Administration), are not only not genuine "Semites" (people who are descendants of Noah's son, Sem), most aren't even practioners of Judaism. Most call themselves "Secular Jews," or worse, practice a degenerate, Kabbalist form of Judaism called Sabbatean-Frankism (see "Dark Messiah" below). The Ashkenazi Jews (Zhazars) are actually a Turkic people who migrated into Georgia, Armenia, Zhazakstan, and Ukraine in the BCE period. There they lived as a nomadic, extremely warlike people (like their neighbors, the Huns and the Sythians) until the eighth century, when their Kagan (their king) converted to Judaism in order to separate the Khazars ideologically from the Muslim hordes who were always attacking them from the South, and the Christians who were threatening them with assimilation from the West.
Meanwhile, Judaism had not been [openly] practiced anywhere in the world (thanks to the Holy Roman Empire) outside of maybe Ethiopia for hundreds of years. The Diaspora Jews who were exiled from Jurusalem in the first century by Vespasian and Titus, certainly didn't migrate to Khazaria. LOL. They would have been quickly eaten by the Zhazars--seriously. No. Those who weren't killed on the spot by the Romans (over 1 millions says Josephus), were either taken to Rome, or fled to North Africa, Egypt, Spain, or Mesapotamia. Therefore, genuine Semites are not related in any genetically traceable way to the Ashkenazi or Hasidic Jews of Southwestern Asia from whence almost all American Jews immigrated in the early 20th century, because the Russian Empire was slaughtering them en masse in something called the "Pogrom." Read the book entitled "The Thirteenth Tribe" (and many other books like it) for more information about these topics.
The so-called "Jews" in America have been holding this convenient shield against criticism called "Anti-Semitism" up in front of them and their evil deeds ever since the 1960's when they first created the grossly exaggerated "Holocaust" narrative using their vast political, banking, and Hollywood assets to do so. In fact, look for yourself. The word "Holocaust" doesn't even appear in any dictionary published before 1968, which is more than two decades after WWII. Moreover, what do so-called "White" Americans have anything to do with that narrative, except maybe that the so-called "Jews" ought to be REALY THANKFUL that we so-called "White" Americans rescued them from their ordeal. Americans have absolutely NO REASON to feel ashamed or guilty about anything that happened to the so-called "Jews" in Europe during WWII.
Think about it, folks. If you were to ever criticize what a Catholic does, or what a Buddhist does, or what an Hindu does, no problem. Nobody would even care. They would probably listen to what you have to say. However, if you were to ever dare complain about anything the so-called "Jews" do here in America or Europe, then you will wrongly be called an "anti-Semite." In some countries of Europe, you can even be jailed for making such a complaint, even if it's a completely valid one, and even though most so-called "Jews" aren't even real Semites, and most don't even practice the Orthodox form of Judaism, or even believe in the existence of G-d. Where's the "equity" in that?
See also Dark Messiah...
The Thirteenth Tribe, by Arthur Koestler

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