What Do Conservatives Believe? Ft. PJ Williams & Kyle Donnelly (Finding The Faith S. 2 Ep. 6)

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What Do Conservatives Believe? Ft. PJ Williams & Kyle Donnelly (Finding The Faith S. 2 Ep. 6)

What do Conservatives believe? Sometimes the waters can be muddied when we see bad actors who are abusive snakes, Christians who appear to be pro-Tate, or those who are simply filled with hate. It could easily make one who isn't discerning black-pilled. However, if you're a returning viewer, you know that Finding The Faith aims to focus on the good and the beautiful to provide you with some respite from the world. Due to this, I wanted to have on two men that I admire to have a conversation about what we're really trying to conserve, what we still have left in this country to love, and what true American conservatives believe.

This evening we're doubly blessed to have two brilliant guests. The first is a fan-favorite and my own personal favorite, Kyle, my husband, the head of our family. The second guest is half of the Conspiracy Pilled and head of Hawkhound Media, the patriotic military man PJ. I admire both of their faiths, and if you'd like to get to know them better, you can check out season 1 of the podcast. Join us for an episode that's at least mildly unhinged (it's scientifically what happens when you put PJ in front of a camera), but also one of faith, insight, and mansplaining (which, I've come to understand, stands for man explaining). Don't forget to say, "Hey" in chat, and please leave a comment.

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ALL Freda's Links: https://solo.to/findingthefaith
Freda's Twitter: https://twitter.com/ShesBasedBabe
Freda's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shesbasedbabe

Kyle: https://twitter.com/realWhiskeyBizz
PJ: https://solo.to/pj_unhinged

TAGS: Conservative Values, Conservative, Christian Nationalism, Christian, Protestant, Patriotism

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