There might be something living in your Christmas tree

7 years ago

It's officially December, the most wonderful time of the year for hot cocoa, twinkling lights, snuggling by the fireplace and … bugs. Real Christmas trees, of which Americans buy nearly 2 million every year, can sometimes contain thousands of crawling residents who are just as eager as you to enjoy a warm, indoor environment as outside temperatures drop. That's why Scherzinger Pest Control vice president Kurt Scherzinger advises all Christmastime customers to be sure they evict any of their tree's current tenants before bringing the tree into their homes. "If you comb through the branches like this, you may dislodge a couple of needles, but you're also going to dislodge any insects that may have tried to make their home in that tree," he said. He also recommends checking the joints around the base of the tree. "That's where maybe a squirrel or a bird has made it their new home," he said. That way, you have a silent night.

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