Why is Christ in Christmas? The Incarnation | Inside The Fatih Loop

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I remember when there was an attempt by groups to put an X before the word mas, X-mas. This was hugely offensive to the Christian community. Especially in the U.S. as most people identify the nation as Christian. This Christian holy day of December 25th observes the day Jesus was born into the world. Or more to the point, “the Incarnation and the assumption”.  

According to Christian doctrine this is the day of the “incarnation”, the birth of the God-man, or if you like, fully God and fully man person. (Athanasian Creed) According to the tradition and the last line of the creed reads, “This is the catholic faith, which except a man believe faithfully he cannot be saved. As this creed states, this is the catholic (universal) faith. So, what are the Orthodox, Protestant (Reformed), or Evangelical/Full Gospel Christians supposed to believe. They do not profess to be Catholic. Do all these institutions believe the same doctrine or creed concerning Jesus? 

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