Slap In The Face: Biden White House Snubs Families Of U.S.-Israeli Hostages From Menorah Lighting

1 year ago

Last night, the Biden White House held an annual menorah lighting to celebrate the Hanukkah holiday. Given the events since Oct. 7 in Israel and the number of Americans who are still being held hostage or missing, this was bound to be a delicate event that would need to be handled carefully and professionally. So, naturally, the Biden administration screwed the pooch. And in the worst way possible. -- Families of American Israeli hostages held captive in Gaza asked the White House for an invitation to a Hanukkah celebration. Joe Biden's White House did not respond to the request.

The families asked to come. What a great way for the administration -- even symbolically -- to show that they stand behind them and care about their missing or captive loved ones. But no. A rejection, and silence when asked to comment. You simply cannot make up the level of incompetence and affrontery to Americans that this administration exhibits at every possible opportunity. It's difficult to conclude that it is anything but intentional. Why? Michigan. Wouldn’t want to upset the Hamas caucus.

• More at: Twitchy - Slap in the Face: Biden White House Snubs Families of US-Israeli Hostages From Menorah Lighting

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