Mystery Babylon (p. 1/2) [SEE WARNING IN DESCRIPTION]

1 year ago

*****WARNING: Quickly after my video ends, there is other content NOT from this channel that has been starting immediately when my video ends. My channel name, and my video title remains displayed, while OTHER content quickly follows my video. I will try to make it absolutely clear where my video ends. Monitor closely what video begins quickly after mine ends. Again there is content being played immediately when mine ends, that has NOTHING to do with this channel. My channel name remains on, and the name of the video I uploaded stays displayed while SOMEONE ELSE'S content plays. Please be aware of it. Again, I will begin to make clear-with a visible warning sign-when my video ends******

This is part one of a two part series on Mystery Babylon.

Mystery Babylon, like the Rapture- is a Biblical topic that Christians just do not agree about. I believe a lot of it stems from our choosing the teachers of Bible Prophecy based on popularity, or how many followers they have, or their outward appearances of righteousness.

Remember that Jesus said that the Pharisees looked the part, however their insides were full of dead men's bones; (paraphrasing). They looked the part on the outside, however their insides were corrupt, and unclean.

We have to return to the basics in scripture. We are instructed, that when it comes to the study of the Holy Bible, we are to Study and righty divide, taking precept upon precept, line upon line, here a little, there a little as scripture states is the way we shall understand doctrine.

I have heard everything from Rome, Mecca, Jerusalem (to name a few); for Mystery Babylon.

I will say, do not even take my word for it, but study carefully what scripture says, and do not try to force scripture to agree with misinterpretations; however study carefully what scripture gives us as far as clues on Mystery Babylon, and do not veer away from those prophetic clues.

The proper candidate for Mystery Babylon will match all those clues....

God grant all people eyes to see and ears to hear God's truth-away from the lies and confusion of the world and the enemy in Jesus name amen.

Visit both my channels for more Bible Prophecy content:


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