Dr William Makis: Media Smears Are Evidence, Medical Data is Not

10 months ago

Dr Makis obtained a Bachelor of Immunology prior to attending medical school, after which he specialised in nuclear medicine, radiology and oncology. He has since been practicing as a nuclear medicine physician, and most recently led a large cancer treatment program in the province of Alberta, using cutting edge treatments with a very high response and cure rate for end stage cancer patients. As with so many other highly qualified specialists with the relevant skills to offer valid analysis of the public health crisis the world finds itself in, Dr Makis has received threats from his medical licensing authority, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta (CPSA). Read more here: https://nzdsos.com/2022/11/18/more-dead-doctors-in-canada/

Dr Makis has been speaking out about the excess deaths occurring in Canada (and also worldwide) since the end of 2021 when he began noticing mandated doctors dying prematurely at high rates.

Here, he describes the difficulties now occurring as doctors who took the product themselves, whether it was because they believed the propaganda, or because it was the only way they could keep their job, now find it very difficult to admit that there is an issue related to the product. Mainstream media, who have been paid to promote the narrative, and who also believe(d) the narrative, conduct smear campaigns about anyone who dares suggest that there is a problem occurring to population health.

Eminently more qualified than most of his colleagues, and independently financed, Dr Makis is well positioned to speak out, and courageous enough to do so. Instead of being engaged in dialogue about the data, he is viciously attacked.

The excess mortality of working age people appears to be at around 50% more than expected. It is higher for older people, increasing exponentially with age, such that by the age of 90+, deaths associated with the Covid-19 injectable products have been calculated at about 1 in every 20 doses. See more here: https://denisrancourt.ca/entries.php?id=133&name=2023_09_17_covid_19_vaccine_associated_mortality_in_the_southern_hemisphere

Rather than looking at the data, medical, media and political establishments continue to promote the "safe and effective" product. People seeking care for vaccine injury face denial that the product had anything to do with their sudden health problems and disabilities and are refused the assistance they would normally receive. Populations are being weakened by this medical attack which has been able to occur due to a mass propaganda campaign and ongoing denials that anything is wrong.

VIDEO SOURCE: https://makismd.substack.com/p/exclusive-interview-with-neil-pmcd

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