Whitney Webb Exposes Operation Warp Speed! What the Mainstream Won't Tell You

1 year ago

Whitney Webb Exposes Operation Warp Speed! What the Mainstream Won't Tell You
Mirrored From: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/fearlessnation/
U.S. Military’s Operation Warp Speed Tracking System (Is Gangstalking-Depopulation On Steroids?) (3 Whitney Webb articles and 4 videos)
Excellent interview on America’s Totally Totalitarian Near Future!
Jason Bermas and Whitney Webb interview October 8, 2020:
Topics: Operation Warp Speed, DARPA Transhumanism, Bio-security State, ANSER Group, IN-Q-TEL (CIA), GOOGLE, Smart Cities,
Source: Bullet Proof .Net
(Zionist Controlled) Military’s Operation Warp Speed Tracking System
Whitney Webb: “There is a new push to create a national, wastewater surveillance system underground by HHS (Health and Human Services). The system is called HHS Protect Public Data Hub. This is the data warehouse where all Covid-19 data in country is being housed and is being run by Palantir, which was set up by Peter Thiel and CIA.
Was set up by the CIA’s INQ-TEL, and was successor Chiliad (which set up by Christine Maxwell (Ghislaine’s sister) to handle War on Terror data and Alan Wade (CIA who was also involved in Total Information Awareness Program after 9/11 and in advising Palantir’s product development). This data is highly secret and is being hidden from health officials. It is being used to predict coronavirus outbreaks before any infections occur. Is hidden from local health officials.
White House Coronavirus Task Force has access.- It is being used to predict Covid 19 outbreaks weeks before symptoms emerge- they will detect it in the sewage using a smart sewage system they plan to have this in 42 states by end of 2020. It will be built by MIT’s Sensable City Labs– and R&D system to create Smart Cities.
This is beginning of a nation-wide push, under the coronavirus auspices, to create national Smart City network. NY State’s Gov. Cuomo announced they will be building 5 smart cities in New York next year.
Eric Schmidt and Michael Bloomberg are promoting this. Bloomberg is in charge of track and trace data bases for New York.
Highly Classified/Secretive Operation Warp Speed
This is being run by the DOD. This is the new War on Terror…. this is medical martial law. Companies have no liability. Now the invisible enemy is a microbe that can dwell anywhere and in your body…. so the push is for on the body and in the body surveillance technologies- it’s ….
This is resurrection of the US military’s post-9/11 Total Information Awareness (TIA) program that was run by DARPA and headed by NSA’s Michael Hayden. This was all about predictive policing of terrorism. It also had a component of called bio-surveillance- to monitor and control bio-terror events and natural disease outbreaks.
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Source: "TheWarAgainstYou"
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