Is It Safe to Drink Rain Water Directly from the Sky? (Answered)

1 year ago
When you read about potential hazards of drinking rain water, this is usually related to the home use. This is because of certain ways of collecting the rain water that may lead to contamination. As an example, this may include bird poop that is washed from the roof used to collect the rain water.

So it is more about contamination caused by the way of collecting such water than about the water itself.

But this text is about outdoors and about drinking rain water where you have no other options. So can you drink rain water? If you have no alternatives, you will have to. I am sure that rain water is always much safer than ground water.

If you are forced to drink rain water, it may be better not to start collecting it immediately when the rain starts. So if possible, do it later rather than sooner. This is because there may be more contaminants in the air before the rain, and they may be washed away when it starts raining.

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