Creature Cooks Up A Storm! Insane Shadow Figure & Poltergeist Activity!! 😲😱

1 year ago

During the day we have had so many objects being thrown about by the Entity, it's ludicrous! But they are all one-off, small events that are not worthy of being in a video....most happen off camera like the hairbrush in this video.

However, what I didn't realise at the time was that some clawed shadow 'creature' first poked it's head down from above the doorway to our bedroom before the hairbrush was thrown and then took a swipe at me when I went to retrieve the hairbrush! Makes my hairsd stand up seeign it! 😐

I did feel like something ice cold passed by my back at the time, and you can see me react to it in the video.

Thinking this was another throw away piece of boring evidence (we have LOADS of this stuff), I reported what it was to the cameras anyway, as I normally do. Just then, an almighty cacophony of sound and movement came from the kitchen!

You can see what happened in the video!

Crazy stuff!


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