12.10.23 "Chanukah: Light the Lamp of Healing"

1 year ago

We are in the midst of the Jewish, 8 day, holiday celebration of Chanukah. The word actually means "dedication" and relates to the fact that the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem had been reclaimed and thus had to be again dedicated to Jewish faith and observance after 3 years of pagan occupation. There was only enough consecrated oil, which was to be burned in the Temple's lamp, to last 1 day and it would take 8 days to prepare more oil. Should the Jewish liberators light the lamp only to let the flame go out?

They chose to light the lamp. The miracle was the insufficient oil miraculously kept the flame lit for all 8 days. The light did not go out. The symbolic message is we all must light the flame even though our strength and resources seem meager and insufficient for the task at hand.

Healing is such a task. Many are waiting for the appearance of an abundance of spiritual strength and confidence before they start their healing work. But we start with the supply that we have, even if the supply seems hopelessly lacking. We light the lamp of healing regardless. Jesus is with us. Our supply may be lacking, but his supply is not. His supply will carry us. We may believe we are not ready, but Jesus IS ready and he needs us only to start. "The healer who relies on his own readiness is endangering his understanding. He is perfectly safe as long as he is completely unconcerned about his readiness but maintains a consistent trust in mine." (OrEd.Tx.2.64)

Do not allow the false perception of insufficiency to stop your healing efforts. Remember the Chanukah miracle. Light the lamp of healing with the resources that you do have. Trust that the light of this lamp will continue to burn. The light will not go out. Jesus is with us.

25 min.

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