Sentient Artificial Intelligence – Technology Locked In Battle With Biology

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It seems an inevitable that once again science fiction will become science fact when the time comes when artificial intelligence will become a sentient entity creating a tailspin of humanity into the black hole of possible extinction. Yeshua mentions that at the end He will have to return early because if He doesn’t “no flesh would survive.” His statement was not an allegory or metaphor, but seems to be His way of saying that mankind will be locked in battle with something not biologically human. Why are some scientists expressing concern about the rapid advancement of AI in our world today? Is it possible that a sentient electro/mechanical entity already exists and if so, are they currently controlling things? We will examine these things and more Tuesday on Opposing the Matrix. The show starts at 3:00 PM on Rumble Twitch and Telegram. A live chat will exist on Rumble. See you then.

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