🚨🚨🚨This is Biblical! Watch this video, then the Bible study in description below.

1 year ago

🚨🚨🚨This is Biblical! Watch this video, then the Bible study in description below.

Yuval Noah Harari might be the one mentioned in the Bible study. He is Israeli, not a Jesus Jew, but an atheist who is blasphemous toward God, Jesus. They have been working with Google, and AI for years. "Free will" as he describes is nothing important, but it is, and he knows it. Up to a point, everyone has redeemable value in the eyes of Jesus. But once you take the mark of the beast, no redeemable value. People must not be lured into this deception by evil. Everyone has the "free will" to be born again, with Jesus. I urge everyone to watch this Bible study, now months ago, see if the Bible is playing out, from scriptures written centuries ago, thousands of years ago. Please watch and share, God bless.


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