Are WethePeople Under Attack ?

1 year ago

How's it , frenz ? 🤙
Hope your day is Chemtrail free , if not..
Pray against them..
Chemicals used in , Trailz..
Barium , Aluminum , Magnesium
( BA) -56 ( AL ) -13 ( MG ) -12
Sodium Potassium Nitrates.
Strontium , alkaline metal..
( SR ) -38
Thorium. { RADIOACTIVE..}
( Th) -90
{ "Thorium ,
is a naturally occurring radioactive metal 😕😥
found at trace 🤪 levels in soil, rocks, water, plants and animals. Thorium is solid under normal conditions. There are natural and man-made forms of thorium, all of which are radioactive.. " }
Trying to make it seem like its just normal to have radioactive material around...🤣🤣🤣
Pray..And stay prayed up.
The end is near , for them...
your watching a #military operation..
Don't believe me..
Please go to this website {}
Read the LawsandOrders 4 urself.
Not US..
Proverbs 6:12-15
Hosea 4 6..
Jeremiah 5:26
Amos 5:26
Acts 6:9-14
Acts 7:43
Jeremiah 5:26.
#GodblessAmerica 🇺🇸🙏
#TrustThePlan 🪖⚖️

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