Topic: Changing the System from the Bottom Up

9 months ago

Zoom 5-10 EST daily SwT80SwT80C
Topic: Changing the System from the Bottom Up - 3 Part Series (Part 1)
Time: Dec 12, 2023 8:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Learn What Canada Really is !!

Documents for Creston Deputation:

Developing a clear and concise strategic plan will ensure your Local team is moving towards shared goals.

Educate the Mayors/council they are committing Fraud
30 Day Notice - to Council will be served and have been provided with the knowledge by the sovereign men and women of the fraud they have committed. After 30 days with no response will indicate consent of FRAUD has been established . They are NO longer Lawful. This will give us the Authority to replace them with new employees!
We will hold a new hiring of employees to Adminster the roles of moving towards Accountable system with an (Affirmation)
The Sovereign men and women will Open a New Treasury Fund to control the money at the local Area! This will remove the unlawful tax, property tax, income tax, and other tax frauds!
Sovereign men and women will establish service contracts and agreements will be made for services they choose to pay for!
Sovereign men and woman will accordingly agree to a Contract/Constitution at their respective local Community

Plus more information will be presented - Please share to everyone

Thank you - Time to END this FRAUD!

Deputation Presentation Word document:


Disclaimer: This meeting will be recorded and delivered to our local representatives.

Without prejudice....

The information provided is from government and international websites and sources.

We undertake this deputation with support locally from Sovereign men, women and property owners in this geographical area.

Today we are questioning if fraud has taken place within our local governments as it appears they may be governed by a global entity through public/private partnerships. The local representatives may or may not know this and I’d like to present what I have found.

To the elected officials I have to ask:

If you, as our elected officials, are not the body in power & control, who is?
Who’s your boss? 
Who’s pushing the sustainable development and climate action plans within our organizations?
Do you feel at all manipulated that such plans of overreach were being slid past you before you even found your feet within your newly elected positions?
Why do you think that was done to you?
If these ideologies that are being forced upon the residents turn out to be unlawful and out of your area of jurisdiction, who do you think will take the fall or go to jail?

Exposure of widespread corruption within our Federal, Provincial and local levels of government are more extreme and more frequent, with Trudeau’s billion dollar green slush fund being the latest. The Harper government was no better when it “lost” $3.1 billion in anti-terror funding.

Foreign countries infiltrating

In 2011, Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) Director Richard Fadden warned of foreign countries infiltrating Canada at municipal levels. 

So, my question for you is why are you taking your orders from known criminals, without questioning?

“Because we were told to do it” has never been a valid defence. Perhaps, this presentation may provide clarity.

Did you know the ( Town of Edson and the County of Yellowhead) offices are United Nations (UN) satellite field offices which are public/private partnerships acting in de facto law?

In this UN partnership, everything can be done by the signatures of only 2 people, the Mayor and the CAO or, in the case of the Regional District, the Chair of the Board and the CAO.

These two people can call a local emergency which is why you had better know who they work for.

Therefore, instead of gathering in their unlawful offices, we have instead, gathered in this neutral place and space in a house as men and women.

 The agenda today is:

1) To inform elected representatives of suspected fraud that has taken place.

2) To give the restructuring history of all municipalities under the UN Agenda 21 and UN Agenda 2030 where Canada became a UN member nation state in 1992 and appears to have ceased existing as a sovereign country.

Municipal Primer

3) To inform you of the non-binding global action plan for sustainable development whereby a UN “Municipal Primer” was sent to all our of local towns via the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment outlining how they were to restructure their governments.

All informational items presented here tonight are backed up by supporting documents, any of you can find yourselves or are welcome to view after this presentation.

Agenda 21

By most accounts, the UN Agenda 21 sounds first glance, just as the Climate Action Plans of both the Regional District of Central Kootenay and Town of Creston do. Only until further investigation are other agendas revealed, that are not of benefit to all, especially the earth.

Agenda 21 quotes

Now we come to the history. The following is quoted from the “The Local  Agenda 21 Planning Guide”.

“The UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) produced Agenda 21 in 1992, and since that time Agenda 21 has become the guiding international blueprint for development into the twenty-first century. During the preparation of Agenda 21, the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) worked to ensure that this global plan also addressed the roles and perspectives of local governments.”

As a result, the UN framework was provided to local governments... supposedly? working with their communities, to create their own local action plans for sustainable development. The reality of this implementation is not as advertised.

Sustainable Development

To quote: “Sustainable development, therefore, is a program of action for local and global economic reform—a program that has yet to be fully defined and ICLEI became the main source of consultation to push and fund the global agenda.”


An example is: a quote from Elizabeth Dowdeswell, former Executive Director, UN Environment Programme stated that “terms like sustainable development and environmental conservation can often conjure up images of processes too grand for local communities and their organizations to handle and influence. For all these reasons, the Local Agenda 21 Planning Guide is more than just another book. It is a lever for changing the art of managing sustainable development at the level of local government. Indeed this guide can serve as a symbol of today’s historic transformation in the concept of partnerships...”  Is this management or manipulation?

Canada Signs on

Picture of Earth Summit

Brian Mulroney signed this international treaty whereby, he agreed Canada would join the UN Global Governance System.  Upon his signature, Canada appears to have ceased to operate as a nation – legally and lawfully. All signatories agreed to several UN Declarations (Sustainable Action Plans) as follows:

1. The convention on climate change that:

   a) Climate change is bad and humans are causing it

   b) it’s a global problem so no one nation can stop it

   c) we need global government

2.  The UN Agenda 21 charter that:

    a)  only UN “sustainable development” will stop climate change

    b)  all present consumption and production modes are      


    c) we need global governments

The UN Charter ordered all signatory members to restructure their existing governments. In the UN system:

1. Canada becomes a UN Member state

2. The provinces became sub-national member states

3. The local/municipal became a UN City State

All UN members agreed to partner their existing governments with a “sustainable development” non-governmental organization that would help their country embrace this new “green technology” to save the planet...for a LOT of money. 

Clip from Mulroney stating erasing debt for signing on – ***PAUSE FOR SETUP AND PLAYING OF VIDEO***

UN members use the trademarked sustainable development goals logos. This helps you know who’s getting money from the UN/WEF/World Bank.

Development Goals Logo

By the year 2000, countries, including Canada, were being governed by directions of the UN, G7, G20, Council of Foreign Relations, World Economic Forum and World Health Organization, to name a few of the major players. Every one of these organizations is a foreign based non-governmental organization (NGO). Every member of all these organizations are UN-ELECTED!

Our Town was captured by the United Nations/World Economic Forum by the declaration of Office they took when “sworn” in. Once they are “sworn” to serve the municipality, instead of us, they have agreed to “Municipal government” and “regions” instead of “de jure” Canadian (lawful) legislation. They are under a false oath.

PPP Global Governance

The “public officials, the Mayor, Councillors and( Town of Edson and the County of Yellowhead) became partnered with a private corporation, The Corporation of the ( Town of Edson and the County of Yellowhead) and The Corporation of the( Town of Edson and the County of Yellowhead).  An appointed Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) helped implement the global agenda instead of a local one. The local officials became employees to the United Nations by agreeing to take the Community Charter previously known as The Municipal Act, “Declaration of Office” (or DOO).

Guide for Municipal Council Members, etc.

The DOO is a commercial (UN) declaration and public officials are not supposed to take this corporate “oath”. When they do, they become “employees” – in agreement with the Municipal Act or Community Charter and therefore they MUST follow it so taking the DOO gets them into a lot of Doo Doo – us too.

Community Charter

Municipal government = the ORGANIZATION OF THE CORPORATION. The “government” they form internally, the MUNICIPALITY’S “governing officers”, the City’s “Board of Directors”, the City’s LAWS which are legal and commercial. Municipal government is the BUSINESS, the corporation, that provides our services.

Back to Agenda 21

Agenda 21 quote – increasing pace...

Sustainable development....

The UN public/private partnerships look like government and spend like government but they are NOT government. They are in de facto possession of sovereign powers. The UN Global Government system overturns the rightful government and installs its own; has possession of governing powers without right and maintains itself by force and captured regulatory control.

Defacto Definition

For those that may not know, the word “De facto” is defined as meaning “accepted (as fact) but unauthorized and illegitimate; installed and founded in deceit and fraud, without lawful title.”

Defacto Government Cartoon

A defacto government is defined as “private, corporate secret Mayor/Council/Board; non-governmental organizations.”

De facto government

Public/private partnerships are de facto government – ask any lawyer, 絉 䝨ave.

De jure

For those that may not know, the word “De jure” means “rightful, legitimate, constitutional and legal; elected and in compliance with every aspect of law.”

De jure Government

A De jure government is always publiᕣ;ᜠsovereign and autonomous.

United Nations Global Government...

If we wonder why all our questions have gone unanswered with regards to the climate action plans and why our overwhelming public input in opposition does not get acknowledged anywhere it is because we have NO Public office. It’s vacant and controlled by the UN Public/Private Partnership. So, what we have is a “Municipal” government and not a “local” government.

A forensic audit for the ( Town of Edson and the County of Yellowhead) will reveal exactly how many Billions of dollars have been funnelled both from AND TO the UN through ICLEI and the provincial municipalities since 1994.

Criminal Code Section 46(1)(b)

Regardless of Canada being a UN member, no level of government or elected public official has the authority to implement foreign mandates, policies, treaties or any agreements that violate the Canadian Constitution; the Charter of Rights and Freedom; the Bill of Rights or the Coronation Oath. Conspiring with foreign powers to assist in any act preparatory to the takeover of our nation is an act of high treason according to section 46(1)(b) of the Criminal Code of Canada.  Elected officials have all whether knowingly or willingly entered into a partnership with international entities who are knowingly committing high treason against Canada. This is a serious, SERIOUS matter and we are here to not only make you aware of this corporate takeover but to suggest you get out of it, for both your sake and ours.

Criminal Code Section 50(1)

Criminal Code Section 122

With that, we would like to speak directly to the elected Mayor and elected Councillors of ( Town of Edson and the County of Yellowhead) and to the elected Directors of the ( Town of Edson and the County of Yellowhead) . It is not up to me to prove United Nations association, it is up to our officials to DISPROVE THE CLAIM.

The ( Town of Edson and the County of Yellowhead) must reclaim and reassert the proper trusteeship that elected officials should have for peaceful, orderly good governance. Also, this is a pivotal opportunity for you to set an example for the rest of the country as every municipality and regional district are hostage to the same situation.

To those that are elected – YOU WERE ELECTED TO FORM THE GOVERNMENT ON OUR BEHALF – WITH OUR TRUST. YOU ARE OUR LOCAL LEVEL OF GOVERNMENT. The town staff and regional district staff are NOT the government.

YOU CAN have the power and authority but you don’t. You are MORE than one vote at a table!! Unfortunately, you have been fraudulently partnered through your contract and those contracts must be renegotiated.

A rightful mayor and council appoint the CAO and staff, and the mayor and council can dismiss them. Elected directors form the local Board of ( Town of Edson and the County of Yellowhead) that can appoint the CAO and staff and you can directly dismiss them. 

With that, you can work with a lawyer to verify the claims we’re making here today. It is now at the point that we really need our elected representatives to step up, step down or step aside.

Now, questions for elected officials that demand answers:

1.  As elected officials what did you sign?

2.  Did you understand what oath you were asked to take when you took

    public “office”?

3.  What jurisdiction are you in and who’s your employer?

4.  Did you sign more than one oath?

5.  What you signed designates what jurisdiction you’re operating under.

6.  The possible proof of the ( Town of Edson and the County of Yellowhead) fraud may be in your oath – who did you swear to serve?  A “Covenant” is not an oath with regards to the Town of Edson. And, a

“Declaration of Rural Appointment Official” is not an oath.

7.  Where is the published law that has been presented to the British Columbia legislature; debated; brought to vote and been passed and proclaimed regarding the Climate Action Plans; Sustainable development; Municipal partnerships and all United Nations public/private partnerships?

If these published laws cannot be produced, these Public/Private partnerships and United Nations Programs are not compliant to ( Town of Edson and the County of Yellowhead) laws and government is acting in a state of “ultra vires”.

Ultra vires

Ultra vires is “A body exercising an invalid excess or power of authority.”

We need to turn back the page to a simpler time when open, transparent, municipal government and regional districts were serving the men and women of their areas in their best interests.

In the coming days, the mayor and councillors and the ( Town of Edson and the County of Yellowhead) Directors will receive an electronic information package which will contain the text of this deputation as well as thought provoking supporting documentation of which we have spoken about here today.

We require a written response to the aforementioned questions within 30 days.

As for the rest of us sitting here, there is no “caped crusader” that will whisk in to change this for us, we have to be proactive and cannot sit back and relax. It is up to us to each of us here to become involved. Here’s your chance.


This film will be sent to the Mayor, Councillors and Directors. ( Town of Edson and the County of Yellowhead)

By a raising of hands......

“Who supports this deputation?”

By a raising of hands....

“Who is against this deputation?”

Thank you for your patience, your respect in listening and your active participation for changing our future for the benefit of all.

Should you feel inclined, support this deputation.


Criminal Code Section 122

It has recently been brought to our attention that Section 122 of the Criminal Code of Canada is applicable when there is Breach of trust by public officer.

“Breach of trust by public officer”

122 Every official who, in connection with the duties of their office, commits fraud or a breach of trust, whether or not the fraud or breach of trust would be an offence if it were committed in relation to a private person, is guilty of

   (a) an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than five years; or ...

Who’s WHO in Government?

Did you vote for a GLOBAL MAYOR??

The 3 Creatures 


Government Office 


Mayor & Councillors

Non-Government Office  NGO 

Town of Creston / Regional District of Central Kootenay

GO + NGO =


Public/Private Partnership

Defined as









Geographical area







Public trust law

Registered Corporation  Commercial law (UCC)

International Entity 






Global Mayor


Elected councillors 

form public council






Men/women/property  Within jurisdiction

Body Corporate/ 

Incorporated inhabitants

Body Corporate/ 

Global Citizens/Humans


Public Assets/ 

Held in Trust

Service Corporation 

No Public Assets

De facto possession 

of Public/Private Assets



Local Agenda

Municipal Act 


Municipal Act 




Oath of Office

Municipal Act/ 

Declaration of Office

Municipal Act/ 

Declaration of Office


Public official, 


Employee, Staff, 


Member, Officer 



Executive Control


Regulatory Control


Downloads corporate policy


Fiduciary Control


Treasury/Trust Accounts


Board of Directors


UN/WEF/World Bank

Judicial Control


Local Courts/Peace Officers


Municipal/By-law Officers

UN Security Council 

UN Troops


UNDER FULL LIABILITY for  Breach/Dereliction of Duty

ZERO liability for harm 

caused; corporate immunity

ZERO liability for harm 

caused; UN CHARTER


Local needs ONLY – housing,  health, roads, sewers etc.





Public $$ Allocated to (property taxes, 

fines, fees etc.)

Local issues ONLY 

Independent Treasury 

Trustee nonfeasance if  debt is incurred

UN targets; must 

finance SDG infrastructure;  Can incur debt

UN targets; must 

finance SDG infrastructure;  Can incur debt

Authority to Collect Tax or Charge You Directly




You have NO public input because you have NO public office...  It’s VACANT… & controlled by the UN Public/Private Partnership

Deputation Presentation


The Town of ( Town of Edson and the County of Yellowhead)and



We require a written response to the questions by November 30, 2023.


address of following

To The Mayor of ( Town of Edson and the County of Yellowhead)names of mayor and council

And to: A( Town of Edson and the County of Yellowhead) names

RE: Deputation of

Dear Sirs and Madams,

The enclosed deputation and supporting documents shows that it appears you are acting in three (3) different legal capacities – public; private and international.

Did you know the ( Town of Edson and the County of Yellowhead) offices are United Nations (UN) satellite field offices which are public/private partnerships acting in defacto law? You can work with a lawyer to verify the claims we have made.

The men who undertook the deputation and those who support it understood they elected you to act in and for the local public office ONLY, and therefore are requiring a written response to the following questions by time date added

Questions for elected officials that demand answers:

1.  As newly elected officials what did you sign?

2.  Did you understand what oath you were asked to take when you took public “office”?

3.  What jurisdiction are you in and who’s your employer?

4.  Did you sign more than one oath?

5.  Who did you swear to serve?  The possible proof of the Town and Regional District fraud may be in your oath. A “Covenant” is not an oath with regards to the ( Town of Edson and the County of Yellowhead). And, a “Declaration of Rural Appointment Official” is not an oath with regards to the ( Town of Edson and the County of Yellowhead)

Please produce any and all, Oaths, Covenants, Declarations of office or any other contractyou have signed with regards to your service to the ( Town of Edson and the County of Yellowhead).

6.  Where is the published law that has been presented to the British Columbia legislature; debated; brought to vote and been passed and proclaimed regarding the Climate Action Plans; Sustainable development; Municipal partnerships and all United Nations public/private partnerships?

If these published laws cannot be produced, these Public/Private partnerships and United Nations Programs are not compliant to ( Town of Edson and the County of Yellowhead) laws and government is acting in a state of “ultra vires”.

We look forward to your response.


___________________________ _________________________________

Dallas Hills Next nam


Deputation Title Page
Questions for each elected official to respond to
Deputation Presentation – Paper Copy
Deputation Supporting Power Point – Paper Copy
Who’s Who in Government? - Paper Copy
Links Page – Paper Copy
USB – Video of Deputation
Restoring Your Local Peace, Order & Good Governance

Where we are today

For the ( Town of Edson and the County of Yellowhead), deputation has started and primer documents and a copy of the presentation video have been served via process server to all council members of ( Town of Edson and the County of Yellowhead), within the area commonly known as British Columbia, in the Land Mass commonly known as Canada. They have until the _______________ 2023 to reply.

Constitution of The Sovereigns'

Constitution of The Sovereign Republic of (Liberty)

From our Home Page you may watch Creating a Natural Law Republic
Zoom daily 5 - 10 PM EST Daily and meet amazing Sovereigns dedicated to a Solution.

We used Liberty as as a template - County/Town/ City/ Community. You would replace Liberty for your Community Name. This is a contract/constitution of an agreement between everyone in you community. This will protect each of you equally! There has never been a contract to protect man and woman as you have witnessed for years and lately with the fake planedemic.

This will be a mutual agreement on how to govern yourselves.

This is a powerful first step to restore law and return personal property. This alone must get you excited and committed to be part of this important historical event.

Many will realize the importance of this and some may need to be educated or informed of this historical event!

Under the current corrupt system you do not own your property, you have to ask permission to do anything on your property. Does this make sense. No of course NOT!

Well its time to end this fraud! Time for us to take control of our lives, property and future! No one has any authority over You! Do we have to follow NATURAL LAWS? OF COURSE! BRING NO HARM!

Well lets get started bringing this amazing information to everyone!

We the people are the government- Time to end this fraud at our local level and by working together we will free ourselves!

Control what happens on your property and community. Imagine you deciding where your money is spent . This is a 100 percent flip from the corrupt system the globalists created.

Please review and lets all help each other comprehend what this means for a future. This will put an end the UN Agenda 21- UNDRIP- and all the bylaws they create to harm you. This also will return your Property rights

Constitution of The Sovereign Republic of (Liberty)


This is the first Natural Law Constitution created by:

We the People, For the People, Of the People.

The choice of Sovereignty emanates from man and woman and from no other source. In the past, tyrannical forces were exercised against peaceful men and women to subjugate them, and such naked aggression is a crime against humanity. We the Sovereigns wholeheartedly make our stand against any such tyranny. A lawful Constitution in alignment with Natural Law is the only solution.

We are a group of Sovereigns who have prepared a draft Constitution for your review, consideration, and ratification by the Sovereigns at your local level, for the purpose of creating a Constitutional Convention. Self-sufficient Sovereigns at the local level shall have their own Constitution and will gain alliances as participation grows.

The Sovereigns' Constitution nullifies all unlawful policies, unnatural laws, and unconstitutional documents regardless of their origin. The Constitution guarantees a Natural Law system to protect and secure our Unalienable Rights now and for future generations.

PART ONE - Sovereign Republic

The Sovereign Republic of (Liberty) is Independent wherein the Sovereigns are the source of all decision making. Life, Liberty, Prosperity, Property, Land, Airspace, Water, all beds of navigable and non-navigable waters, and any resources are all Sovereigns’ Unalienable Rights.

The Republic of (Liberty) shall be comprised of branches responsible and accountable to the Sovereigns. Within those branches are hired employees who will implement and manage the directives and final decisions made by the Sovereigns.

Sovereign funds are issued by the Treasury Branch, a monetary system that is owned by all the Sovereigns, based on a labor backed note and ensures a strong and self-reliant future.

PART TWO - Sovereigns’ Unalienable Rights

The Unalienable Rights of the Sovereigns are protected by Natural Law. Unalienable Rights are inherent gifts from your Creator. A Sovereign cannot surrender, sell, or transfer their Unalienable Rights and they cannot under any circumstances be removed, abandoned, or taken by force, duress, threat, or coercion. All Sovereigns are equal within Natural Sovereign Law.

PART THREE - Income Taxes

All Sovereigns in the Republic of (Liberty) have the right to tax free income, no man or woman will pay tax on their labor.

PART FOUR - Spiritual Beliefs

The Republic of (Liberty) recognizes Sovereigns have the Unalienable Right to Practice Spiritual Beliefs within Natural Law:

Spiritual beliefs must not interfere, violate, harm, or infringe on others or their property.

All Sovereigns must treat others with lawful and moral respect regardless of individual beliefs.

All places of worship must be fully transparent and accessible to all Sovereigns and Administration.

The Republic of (Liberty) Treasury must not fund any Spiritual beliefs or Ideologies.

International funding is unlawful for any Spiritual Beliefs or Ideologies.

PART FIVE - Free Speech

This written Constitution is in accordance with Natural Law, upholding the right of all Sovereigns to freely express themselves in all situations without any form of direct or indirect threat or harm.

PART SIX - Unalienable Right to Protect Yourself and Property

It is the Sovereigns’ Unalienable Right to possess and bear arms for the use of survival and protection. Access to own and use ammunition must not be restricted. Sovereigns have the Unalienable Right to engage in any lawful means required to protect life and property.

The Right to Hunt, Trap, and Fish for sustenance cannot and must not be restricted.

The Right to Self-Defence must require the Sovereign man or woman to only deploy as much force as necessary to neutralize or remove the threat.

The Sovereigns have the lawful right to a well-regulated Militia which is essential for the security of a Free Republic.

PART SEVEN - Treason

The Republic of (Liberty) and its Sovereigns’ must not tolerate Treason in any form. Any attempt to harm or overthrow the Republic or undermine the Constitution of the Sovereigns’ is treasonous and therefore any perpetrator must face a Grand Jury.

PART EIGHT - Sovereign Protections

The following are the protective measures to guarantee Sovereigns are the final decision-makers within the Republic:

Any revision to the Constitution must require one hundred percent of the voting Sovereigns’ votes. Any amendment to an Article of the Constitution must require seventy-five percent of the voting Sovereigns’ votes.

Each Sovereign receives one ballot: yes or no. Any proposed revisions to the Constitution or amendments to the Articles must be posted at the Republic of (Liberty) head office through Multi-Media for all Sovereigns to view.

The Sovereigns’ Committees, Branches, and Administration must uphold and protect the Constitution without prejudice. Sovereigns’ Committees are directly responsible and accountable to the Sovereigns, entrusted with the implementation of plans, ideas, and the presentation of proposals and projects. Every branch of the Administration is directly responsible and accountable to the Sovereigns’ Committees and the Sovereigns alike.

Employees for the Republic will be chosen by the Sovereigns’ Committees by selecting the most qualified candidate for a posted position. Each Sovereign receives one ballot; hire or not hire, fire or not fire.

All outcomes of decisions must be posted at the Republic of (Liberty) Administration office and through Multi-Media for all Sovereigns to view the results and to ensure transparency.

- For further details on Parts One through Eight refer to the Articles.

- For specific definitions of words on Parts One through Eight refer to the Glossary.




There is no other path.

It is our destiny, and if we don’t take action we will be diluted out from ever again being able to take this course of action that will make us the free

Organzie a Local Meeting - We have so many men and women looking to connect!

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