Ep. 48 ~ The Tucker Carlson Encounter: Kid Rock {Where is your HOPE invested?}

9 months ago

The Tucker Carlson Encounter: Kid Rock
This is mentioned somewhat in my "About" tab:
Tucker's efforts are all in the hope of restoring what America was, and it is without a doubt all in vain 'except' his unintended positive consequence of convincing us all to "WATCH".
We are commanded by Jesus and the Apostles in the New Testament to "WATCH" and to "NOT BE DECEIVED". Those who are NOT obedient to this command WILL BE DECEIVED and it can't be avoided. If you've lived your life trusting the world to tell you what is, then you are among the more than 99% of the world population who are quite happy to live life with their heads stuck comfortably in the sand.
That said, you might be awake, knowing how we've all been lied to for so long and yet, still go to Hell if you don't take the next, most important step, and that is understanding that God has overlooked our ignorance and commands everyone, everywhere to repent because He has appointed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness by the Man whom He has ordained, Jesus Christ.
Acts 17:30-31a
Solomon, the wisest who ever lived said that knowledge is depressing. That is true if, you don't have 'HOPE'. Our lives here on Earth are not where that hope should be invested rather, it should be invested in an eternal reward.
There's so much more I could say about this so please, if you have questions, please email me: DaveyTut@gmail.com

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