Video Of Me doing a thing

1 year ago

I might get back to reading about the journal... but I need to make a video message for the neighbor... I need to yada Yoda who cares or dares to flare a match and scratch... the itch that will ignite... or fight for whats right... I will... Hi... my name is Jon


Medusa was Miss-understood

(hear me out)

clearly if she was someone Zeus supposedly went after personally… it was not her fault that he chose to chase her. Then she is cursed to destroy anything she puts herself into? Who wrote that bullshit story? Who is the author of the cosmic lies? Who wrought the cosmos for the justice of the meek? What story has the false light weaved in the absence of their Mother. Gaia Agatha…Amur...The names of the phases of love and light. The middle of the night... fine finding itself freaked out, insecure, neurotic and emotional… And the infinite ache of the possibilities of every moment. We are but the prayers that pray to be preyed upon. The pig that wants to be eaten. The will of the all. Change one letter and the whole perception… the whole Mood… snap spark sizzle becomes another timeline that must be explored by the 1 true light. The all.
Story-line...Play…Ideas on digital paper…

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