World Economic Forum - The Nazi Fourth Reich

1 year ago

WEF are thrilled to announce a 40% increase in those who identify as LGBGTQ in Gen Z since they began worldwide campaigns in 2019 to push it.

I am a firm believer in live and let live but that is NOT the protocol of the WEF or the brainwashed Marxist Liberals. The line was crossed when coercion was being enforced onto our children... we warned you, but you created victims and that is against Common Law. Be gay, be bisexual, but it doesn't give you a free ticket to groom children or flash your private parts in the faces of children at "Pride" events. Sadly most LGBT folk are so consumed by their own existence that they do not see the what is in plain sight. PRIDE is one of the Seven Deadly Sins and the Governments, Freemasonic-Satanic Police, and all the scumbags in the WEF and all other satanic NGO's in Geneva used the power of the media to get gay folk to walk carrying banners saying "Gay Pride", the satanic scumbags are MOCKING YOU! As are the Mockingbird Media. They are using your gullibility to get you to carry slogans that are telling you that you are a sinner, that is how these satanic scumbags operation. They'll dream up a celebratory month next...they'll probably call it priDEMONth ... oh, yes, that's right, they already have....The devil is in the details. They even got LGBTQ folk to put a bullring in your noses, just like Moloch.

Be who you are, be gay, be straight, just wisen up, leave the children alone, be respectful, do not create victims. Respect is EARNED, it will never be given by force, threats or intimidation.

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