All Governments on earth are under a Transhumanist Policy - Examples of upcoming Tech

9 months ago

All Governments on earth are under a Transhumanist Policy - Examples of upcoming Tech
PART 2 - The Bio-Digital Convergance - With Links to all Tech described +PDF
Connecting Human Biology with Digital Technology (The BIC)
An array of all the new types of tech on the way and their possible dangers to the human biological system.
"Toward Location-aware In-body Terahertz Nanonetworks with Energy Harvesting"-
Nanoscale wireless networks are expected to revolutionize a variety of domains, with significant advances conceivable in in-body healthcare. In healthcare, these nanonetworks will consist of energy-harvesting nanodevices passively flowing through the bloodstream, taking actions at certain locations, and communicating results to more powerful Body Area Network (BAN) nodes. Assuming such a setup and electromagnetic nanocommunication in the Terahertz (THz) frequencies, we propose a network architecture that can support fine-grained localization of the energy-harvesting in-body nanonodes, as well as their two-way communication with the outside world. The main novelties of our proposal lie in the introduction of location-aware and Wake-up Radio (WuR)-based wireless nanocommunication paradigms, as well as Software-Defined Metamaterials (SDMs), to THz-operating energy-harvesting in-body nanonetworks. We argue that, on a high level, the proposed architecture can handle (and actually benefits from) a large number of nanonodes, while simultaneously dealing with a short range of THz in-body propagation and highly constrained nanonodes.
Soft Bioelectronics for Healthcare: What's New-
This Pill Tracks Your Vitals From the Inside-
Neuralace™ | The next-generation of BCI and whole-brain data capture-
by BlackRock Neurotech
Developments in graphene-based biomedical technologies-
Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe, and Secure American Bioeconomy-
Toward Location-aware In-body Terahertz Nanonetworks with Energy Harvesting-
PDF available to download
More in depth research, by Dayz, regarding the intentions 'TPTB' have for humanity.
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