A beautiful drawing by great artist on the road! 😱😱😱

1 year ago

. Insane art is a term that can refer to various forms of art that are influenced by or depict mental illness, madness, or irrationality. Some examples of insane art are:

Ship of Fools by Jerome Bosch, a painting that criticizes the decadence and corruption of the clergy by showing them sailing on a boat without direction or control1.
Insane Woman by Theodore Géricault, a painting that portrays an old woman suffering from monomania, a form of mental illness that focuses on a single obsession or delusion2.
Art of the Insane by Alexander M., a collection of drawings and paintings that he created while being hospitalized for schizophrenia, showing his distorted perception of reality and his inner turmoil3.
Insane art can be seen as a way of expressing or exploring the human psyche, challenging the norms of society, or revealing the hidden aspects of oneself.

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