1 year ago

The Texas Senate passed Bill 4 that enables the removal of people (criminals) who do not belong in the State of Texas. Governor Greg Abbott is a Globalist who no longer supports Texas and the Longhorns. He is hooked deeply into the horns of Baphomet Church of Satan. And has sold out his soul for greed to bow down to Luciferian Satanist Trillionaire Banker Lord Rothschild, Criminal Jesuit Pope Francis, WEF Nazi Klaus Schwab and all the lower life EL God in Hebrew LITE BILLIONAIRE actors who lust after Satan in the Jeffrey Epstien Sodomite style of Satanic Sacrifice of babies, sex with young girls, raping children and organ trafficking. The Texas Senate passed Bill 4 that enables the removal of people (criminals) who do not belong in the State of Texas. It provides the ability to arrest and deport. We suggest Globalist Abbott be arrested and deported to Siberia, Russia.

In 1999, the Russian government organized a drill team of experienced geologist to investigate plate tectonics in Siberia. They claimed they dropped a micophone down the hole to record these hellish screaming sounds. We think it is very appropiate for those who worship Satan and lust after the death of ninety percent of humanity and all life on this earth. These Globalist get their final death into the 9th circle abyss of infinite torture and hell.

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