The Collaboration of the US with the CCP on Taiwan Issue

1 year ago

12/08/2023 【Miles’ Insight】 Various signs indicate that Xi Jinping has been consistently preparing for a war against Taiwan. The US repeatedly declared official support for Taiwan's self-defense capabilities, however, there is a faction within the U.S. that does not want the country to support Taiwan. According to our intelligence sources in mainland China, there is an element of forces in the West collaborating with the CCP. They said to Xi, “If you're going to invade Taiwan, do it sooner. At most, we may symbolically send troops to protect Taiwan. In the end, we will still co-manage the world with the CCP."
12/08/2023 【Nicole看七哥】种种迹象表明习近平一直在做准备攻台。美国一再官方宣称要支持台湾的自卫能力,但美国有一股势力不希望美国支持台湾。据国内情报,西方有股势力在与中共勾兑,说“如果你要打台湾就早点打,我们最多派出军队象征性地保护台湾一下。最后,我们还是跟中共一起来共管世界。”

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